I was currently being held by an enormous guy while watching my brother Ray get beat up. I would say it's not the best way to start your day but hey I have to support him any way I can right?
He gets punched across the face and blood splatters out of his mouth. Ooo thats gotta hurt. It's not like I don't have a matching bloody nose already though. I'm sure I'll have to clean him up later if Anissa doesn't beat me to it. I may be being held captive at the moment but that doesn't mean I didn't take a hit or two before. I'll have to clean myself up before I get Ray taken care of.
The worst part of all of this was Ray didn't even do anything that bad. So he let a few shrimp go so what? He was just saving other fish that get caught.
"Oh there they are! All the way from Africa to defend my honor!" Ray acknowledges Jackson and Abraham. They're old friends of Rays. He's told me about them but I've never met them. I was still serving in the air force when they had their run ins.
"See you're still as popular as ever, Ray." Jackson replies as he and his group walk up the dock. I knew he's gotten into more fights!
"Meet my pals David and Goliath. I bet you didn't know they reconciled and now they wander the globe doing the good work." Ray introduces Jackson and Abraham to the goons.
One of them replies with, "yeah, yeah."
That's when Abraham cuts in, "what did he do?"
"Released 200 pounds of caught shrimp from our holds. And that's the fourth time this month they've done it." The goon accuses. Well not accused because we did do it, but it was for good!!
That's when Ray gets a little angrier. "Tell me something. Do you know what bycatch is fellas?"
Finally I decide to speak for the first time they've arrived. "Sharks, sea turtles, seal and all other non-target fish that end up in these bastards nets, only to be tossed overboard because they "ain't shrimp." I finish for Ray. As I speak I can feel the man holding me tighten his grip on my arm. I was pissing him off more.
"It's our living. And your friend here's trying to ruin it." The man replies.
"He's not our friend." Abraham defends himself. I thought Ray said they were great pals.
"This ain't over, Ray. And next time we'll take little sis here out on a joy ride to the middle of the ocean." I gulp at his last sentence. No way was I dying because of my brothers actions! The man holding me shoved me forward and I tripped a little. I thankfully managed to land on my hand and knees instead of flat on my face.
"I'll see you soon" Ray replies to the group as they leave us with Jackson and his group. "Gotta say, I was surprised to hear from you. Figured you were still sore about Nairobi."
"You almost got us killed in Nairobi." Abraham accuses Ray. I knew he almost died on that trip! With what he came home with I figured he was the lucky one.
"Hell, those poachers were bad men. And you were on the right side of right." My brother points a finger at Abraham. Poachers are the worst. That's why I like to stick to emancipation from zoos. No exotic trips.
Abraham inhales deeply. He must really still be sore from Nairobi.
"Raymond Joseph Endicott. No past, no future. This is Makenzie Blake Endicott, my younger sister."
The blonde lady introduces herself, "My name is Chloe Tousignant." She shakes Rays hand and then mine.
"It is very nice to meet you Chloe." Oh Ray stop flirting. For gods sake you're face is covered in blood! "Tell me something. What're you doing here with my old friends?" Really Ray you called them friends, again even after Abraham just said you weren't friends.
"Like I said, we're not your friends." Ray glares at Abraham.
This time it's Jackson who asks the questions, "You still making that Africa run, Ray?"
"Yeah, now and again. Got ourselves a new pilot and all." He gestures towards me.
"We need to get out of the country. The five of us, off the books, under the radar." That seems a little suspicious why under the radar?
My brother sighs but still asks, "how soon do you need to leave?"
"As soon as possible." Chloe interjects.
"That'll cost you." Well no duh we can't just up and leave today! We've got things to do!
"How much?" Jackson asks.
"More than you've got if you're showing up on our doorstep." I persuade. We could use more money. And if they are that desperate they'll pay whatever we say.
"Ya here's the thing Chloe. We're what you would call a last resort for Boy scouts like these two." Ray chimes in this time. "so it'll cost you much-much" he pauses. What's he thinking about? Don't tell me he's going to have them help on the next run. "Or maybe nothing at all"
Ugh! At this I face palm my forehead. What is he thinking!
"What's that mean?" Jackson asks.
"My associates and I are doing a little something-something tonight." I roll my eyes of course he would offer this. We need the money Ray. "We could use the man power."
No we don't Ray! We do just fine with the few of us. Abraham sighs loudly again in disappointment at Ray.
" Is what you do against the law?" Chloe asks. Well of course it's against the law. It's Ray we're talking about.
"Not if your a zebra in a cage." Ray says with venom. He hates caged animals. It's one of the few things we have in common.
"No. No way." Abraham refuses.
Ray clicks his tongue and says, "suit yourself."
"Ray we don't need them anyways. Send me in and I'll get it done." I try persuading him away from his stupid offer.
Ray turns to walk away but Jackson asks, "And if we do help you?"
"Then it's simple. You wash my back and I fly yours out of the country ones step ahead of whoever it is that's chasing you." Ray replies. Oh ya simple. Did he not remember I'm the only capable pilot here!
"What is it that you are your associates are doing?" Jackson asks. He's just looking for trouble now.
Don't tell them Ray please, please. I plead in my head and cross my fingers behind my back.
"We're breaking into Clearwater Zoo." God Ray are you stupid. Now they can turn us in! "To liberate the animals."
"Of course you are." Abraham replies.
Falling for the Veterinary Pathologist
FanficMakenzie Endicott is Raymond's younger sister. She's a formal Air Force pilot and is currently helping her brother with F.A.R.M. Will she decide to help Jackson's team or will she stick to her current life? Will she have a choice in her new life?