Chapter Three

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The next morning, Sophie was woken up by Biana shaking her shoulders. "Sophie, get up. It's ten am!" "What?" Sophie asked, sitting up. She blushed when she realized she was still in her pajamas. "Yeah," Biana told her. "Everyone is coming over soon to hear about Glimmer. But, umm." Something about the way Biana looked nervous had Sophie fidgeting too. "There was something I wanted to talk to you about." "Oh, okay." Sophie told her. "Just let me change first." Biana nodded and Sophie got up and grabbed a simple gray tunic with simple gray leggings as she headed to the bathroom. Biana thankfully didn't make any comments about her clothing choices. When she walked back to the bed, Biana was waiting for her. "Well." she said, looking at the flowers woven in Sophie's carpet. "I... talked to my brother yesterday." Something about Biana's voice told Sophie this was NOT going to end well. Biana was such a great friend, and she had been so nice and supportive about her and Fitz's relationship. But now that it was over... "He said you guys... broke up." Her voice sounded a little sad. Sophie nodded. "Why?" Biana asked. "He didn't tell you?" Sophie said. "No. Only that you didn't want him back." Sophie tried hard not to notice how she'd slightly emphasised you. She knew Biana might be angry with her. So she gave Biana the full story. "He... didn't want us to be a bad match. And he was mad that I'd let Alvar go. And he didn't care how awful I felt after I found out who one of my biological parents was. He wouldn't listen when I said I would be unmatchable forever. And... he cared too much about the match." "Wait," Biana said. Her voice sounded like either she was going to be mad at Fitz or mad at Sophie. "He doesn't care about the match," Biana tried. "Not really. He was really upset after you two broke up." Sophie knew he didn't mean all of it, and it was just an angry rant. But it didn't change anything he'd said. Didn't change how he'd made her feel. "I was, too." Sophie told Biana, remembering how shed collapsed crying once he'd glittered away. "And that's why we're not getting back together." "Well." Biana said. "I'll go smack some sense into him. Figuratively, and literally if I have to." Biana offered a smile, and Sophie felt grateful that Biana was still her friend. But she couldn't tell if Biana was annoyed or not. Sophie sighed as Biana exited the room. She could worry about how acting around Fitz and Biana would be from now on later. For now, she had a long day ahead of her.

When Sophie got downstairs, everyone was waiting for her. Glimmer stood behind Tam, and everyone looked anxious. Wylie and Linh sat much closer together than necessary. So did Dex and Biana, Sophie noticed with a smile. They were even holding hands. Everyone was preparing for difficult news. But they were also curious. Sophie walked up to Glimmer. She was planning to help explain, and to make sure they trusted her. She nodded to Tam and he stepped away from Jolie and sat down. Sophie took a deep breath, preparing for shouting. "I know you are all wondering who Glimmer really is. And she does have a lot of explaining to do. But just... don't be too quick to make judgements." She told them. "Is that supposed to make us feel reassured?" Fitz asked. "If so, it's not really working." Sophie ignored him as she turned to Glimmer. "Try not to scream," She warned everyone. So of course almost everyone screamed when the turquoise eyes and fragile features appeared from underneath the heavy cloak. Juling Dizznee and Mr. Forkle took it the hardest. "We thought you were dead!" said Juline. Mr. Forkle just shook his head. Over. And over. And over. "I told you not to make judgements," She said, turning to Jolie. Jolie launched into her extremely long and very complicated explanation of why on earth she was still alive. Sophie had been planning to help explain, but Jolie didn't need her help. Maybe it was that her story really was that interesting. Or maybe Jolie was a really good speaker. Either way, everyone was captivated by their story, and Sophie couldn't blame them. It was probably the craziest thing that had ever happened to Sophie. Then again, Gethen singlehandedly knocked down an entire lumenite castle full of people and freed Vespera. And Vespera had been the reason the humans were no longer an intelligent species. Her life had been pretty crazy. Once Sophie had endured everyone's extensive amount of questions, Sophie said, "Alright, let's do a vote. Who here thinks we should tell the Council?" Nobody raised their hands. But few people did look tempted. Wylie said, "Shouldn't everyone know about this? It will be a huge win." "Or, they could question why on earth she faked her death and then they'd know everything." Biana pointed out. They would know about how Jolie was part of the neverseen, and they would know about plenty of the council's mistakes. If they even were mistakes. Sophie sighed. "We have no idea how the Council nor anyone else will react," said Mr. Forkle. "So we should hold off for now. If someone ends up needing the information, no one is to divulge it without Miss Ruewen's permission. Is that clear?" Everyone nodded their agreement. "Wait," Grady said. "I don't want Jolie to have to hide away here. I want her to enjoy her life! I want her to get to do all the normal things. She can have Winnowing Galas again, we can host big parties. Everything will be the way it was." Jolie rushed and took his hands. Sophie tried not to wince that they'd open themselves up for Jolie, but not for her. And she tried to ignore how excited Edaline looked when he said "Winnowing Galas." "I want that too, Dad." Jolie said. "More than anything. But how would people respond if I suddenly reappeared?" "We could have the council make an announcement, then." Grady suggested. "But we can't guarantee how the council will react." "And all of the people. You saw how they reacted after Sophie was kidnapped." Edaline pointed out. "They called her names and pretended like she was the one kidnapping people instead of being sorry for her because she got tortured, or admiring her for being brave enough to survive it." "They'll understand eventually," Grady argued. "But how long will that take? Our world has enough crazy stuff to deal with right now. Maybe after things have calmed down a little..." Edaline said. "Okay," Grady agreed.

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