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My name is Sonia Nevermind, and I am a 24 year old princess of Nevermind castle! Yes yes, I know, the name is rather odd, but it is taken by my last name after all!

I love to waltz around my kingdom and greet every knight and maid, they do so much for me and my kingdom. So I always try my best to remember everyone's names and their birthdays! My father is a strict man, and tells me I should not need to do that, that it's unnecessary.

Which, it is unnecessary, but I don't want to be rude to the people who have clothed, bathed, and fed me! I'm very thankful for all they've done for me and this kingdom I've grown to love, but as I was thinking about how pretty the roses in the garden look, one of my fine maids came to me, with less than good news.

"M-Miss Sonia! O-Oh dear, p-please f-f-follow me, your m-majesty!", the maid huffed with such a heavy voice. Her face was quite pale, so I could not think anything but bad news from her. My maid looked at me, and tugged my dress lightly. And sighed "P-please f-follow m-me!" She said with a sad tone in her voice.

I was inclined to follow her, worried for what could have happened. I gifted her a soft smile and laid my hand onto her head, "alright, show me the way, M*kan" She nodded her head gently, and hurriedly walked out of the garden, with me right behind her.

As she walked, the only things I could hear is our footsteps and the birds chirping, otherwise there was silence. There was a sudden halt and she turned her head to me and gulped. M*kan's hands stiffen as she tries to grab the handle to the door, and once it was swung open, I realized which room this was.

It was my mother and father's room. As I slowly walked into the room, I noticed my father onto his bedside, and he was coughing rather violently. The window lay adjacent to the table with one flower, wilting away slowly. My maid took a few steps into the room and placed a cold towel onto my father's head, then at that moment, I understood.

"Y-you're father w-wanted t-to talk to you, M-Miss..", M*kan said in a low tone. I walked up to my father's side, and placed a hand onto his, he looked up at me, and all I feared stood right before me. "I'm sorry my dear, but it seems as if your dear ol' dad has gotten rather sick.", said my father, softly chuckling to lighten the mood.

I could not believe my eyes, I was the oldest in the family, so it's my turn for the throne, yet I still am too young. I do not understand everything there is to rule, so why now? "'s okay, you will get better and rule this kingdom like you always do..", I said, trying not to sob my eyes out. My father slowly lifted his hands and cupped mine.

His fingertips were cold as ice, and his face showed death, yet he smiled at me innocently as if everything was fine. "My dear, you're always thinking positively, and I'm very grateful you do. When I look into your eyes, I see your mothers face. I sincerely apologize for being so rude to you these past few years to you...I'm just worried about you, and this kingdom.", said my father, his hands finally letting go of mine.

He rested his hands onto his lap, and he sighed. After awhile, he continued onto his lecture, and explained to me many more things. He looked at me and said, "these past few years have been uneasy ever since your mother had died. I was so worried that the food you and your sister ate had been poisoned, and I was always too paranoid, so much so I check to see if the food was poisoned."

My father stopped looking at me, and turned his head slowly at the dying flower that lay on the other side of the room. The petals fell, one by one, as my father continued, "For me, you and your sister were all I had left, and I was not going to let anything hurt you both. You're both too precious for me, and this kingdom. This kingdom needs you both. And as of right now, it looks as if you're next in line."

He sighed and pointed to the wilting flower, "that flower..the flower is me as of now. Wilting away slowly. I do not know when I will die, but I know it will be soon. My dear, I am bedridden, and it's hard to move. So for my final request as your father, and the king of this kingdom, find someone suited to help you run this kingdom. If not for me, do it for the people."

My eyes flooded with tears as he said that. I wiped my tears away from my eyes, and my hands grew weary and weak. I sighed and smiled weakly as I spoke to my father, making sure not to make any voice cracks as I said it, "Father, I do not know how to find a man suited for this kingdom. I've been asked out so many times, but I do not want just any man. I want THE man. The best one there is. I want a man who will run this kingdom as if it was his to begin with. Someone who knows how to run a kingdom, better than I."

My father scoffed and looked at me, our eyes connecting. His eyes showed sympathy, but his actions showed otherwise. "My daughter, please. You don't need to find a man, it could be a woman too, you know." This made me crack a smile, and a small giggle. His eyes lit up, just seeing me happy. "There's the daughter I know and love. But in all seriousness, please, just take good care of this kingdom. The responsibility rests in your hands now."

My smile faded away, slowly, but not completely. I batted my eyes and let out a soft chuckle, "father, I swear I will find the best person to rule this kingdom. For our last name, for our people, and for our kingdom." My father let a smile, leaned closer to me, and kissed my forehead, "that's for good luck. Now, knock them dead darlin'."

My eyes glistened, with sadness, but also hope. Tears run down my cheek, and M*kan tapped my shoulder, handing me a handkerchief. I dabbled my eyes with it and gave it back to her. She sent me a soft, "you're welcome" as she left the room, and stood by the door for me. I turned to my father to give him one final talking to before I had to leave, "father, before I leave, may I ask you something?"

Father nodded his head, waiting for my question to arise, " do you..find out you're in love..?" My eyes averted to the floor, as my cheeks grew a soft pink. I placed one of my fingers onto my lip as I continued to stare at the floor. I have never had this type of talk with my father, let alone mother. And I've never experienced love at all, due to my father shooing all the males away.

"When you can't think anything but that person. When their name makes you flutter, and you feel a sense of happiness and security, that's when you'll know you found the one.", he said, resting his hands onto the locket mother had. It was a heart-shaped locket, which contained a photo of my father and mother when they were younger. They both smiled happily, and they seemed in love.

I smiled as I told my father goodbye, he smiled back at me and slowly waved me goodbye. As I left, I noticed him staring calmly onto the locket mother had given him before death. M*kan closed the door and we walked back to the kitchen, where I was given some food to eat, for breakfast, by my servants. I thanked them each by name, and started eating in silence.

By now, it was time for my little sister to come to the dining room to eat, but since I noticed M*kan leaving in a hurry, I'm assuming she fled to awaken the little sister of mine. Meaning it is now my sisters turn to say hello and a possible farewell to my father. I shook my head as I thought of father dying, and tears flowed down my cheek once more. I wiped them down with a nearby napkin, and tried not to think about it.

I had hope that everything will be fine. Father will be fine...


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