Camping mayhem!

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We woke up and got dressed quickly brushed our teeth and checked thoroughly to see if we've missed anything.

We got out bags and went downstairs to get supplies for the train journey.

We let our friend in so she could watch over our place and then left for the train station in a taxi.

When we got to the train station we had to wait because our train was delayed.

So we sat and made plans for our adventures.

When the train finally arrived we lugged our bags anywhere they would fit and plugged our phones in to charge and let family know we were on our way.

We laughed and chatted about anything and everything talked again about having kids, we both agreed to leave it for 5 years till we have settled.

When we arrived at Marlborough we went for a drink in a local bar then went to the campsite after getting a taxi.

It took ages to put up our large tent and even longer to get the electrics and heaters on to warm ourselves up. We then had a barbeque consisting of; spare ribs, chicken drumsticks,aubergine and beef skewers and obviously corn on the cob.

It was delicious.

We both wanted a shower but there was only one on site so we took one together. I washed her hair while she rubbed my clit and vise versa. Then we got out and brushed our teeth.

But when we got back to our tent to get dressed we had an awful surprise.

Cammy was sat eating some leftover chicken on the barbeque and she didn't speak till she demolished the lot slowly.

We were still in our towels so we put our toothbrushes back and got dressed inside.

Suddenly we were both pushed on our bed and our hair grabbed.

I changed the day hope you don't mind.

How the fuck did you find us.

Your mum is a very nice person and a chatterbox.

Oh great and when did you get here.

When you two were washing hair in the shower. I saw the barbeque smoking and went over. The description your mum gave me helped me find you and the tent. So let's get down to business...


She sat at the other end of the tent whilst we got dressed and then we joined her after she insisted that she wasn't going to harm us.

So What do you want?

You know if you'd told me to go in the morning then I wouldn't have to act this way but you let me stay and that wasn't right you can't just want me for more than a one night stand and that is a problem.

Well I'm sorry that we let you stay longer but we were having so much fun and it was a three-way thing and the moment you broke that and started sleeping with my girlfriend when I was at work is the moment you had to go for breaking the rules of What's right and wrong and the moment you was with my girlfriend behind my back is the moment I realised this wasn't fun anymore and that you was taking my girlfriend away and I didn't like the fact she lied and cheated but we overcame that and the only problem to solve is you.

You think I'm a problem seriously you just expected me to go like that

Yes and you are a problem coming here when we arranged a time and a day and threatening us, that's not being civil and certainly not friendly and that's why your a problem.

I apologize but what would you do if you was in my position.

I wouldn't know what I would do in your position unless I was in it.

Fine but how do you expect me to just come into your lives and we become happy with each other and then walk away like it meant nothing to me,I mean I may be a fit blonde who can be bitchy and tough but deep down I'm hurting that you could be so cruel to let me walk away like that.

We are deeply sorry that you're hurting but you crossed the line and you knew it that's Why you went in a hurry when I caught you with my girlfriend, you seduced her and you seduced me but not as a three and that's why we let you go and you should understand that we had issues to solve and we couldn't have you back in our lives.

Okay,thank you I guess I shall leave you alone but at least can we be friends.

Yes of course but no funny business or we will report you for harassment we should've done before but we wanted to hear your side.

Okay I understand enjoy your camping trip and sorry for intruding.

She walked away and we spent the rest of the day anxious she would return.

We didn't get much sleep but we did talk and connect once again and let ourselves intertwine and bond.

We got up early and packed up then drove into town for breakfast,we paid the camp site full even though we had a few days left and travelled home to camp inside our home, to feel more comfortable and safe.

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