A journey unlike the rest (Chapter 2)

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I had been sobbing all night, until I fell asleep! My pillow was drenched and my clothes were a wrinkled mess. My mind had been running around back and forth between an emotion of sadness but also curiosity. I had been a country girl my whole life, and in no way was I ready for a high-class life in Japan. I forced myself to get up and zip my suitcase closed. The wind from the outside of my window gave me a fresh scent of the morning I had woken up to everyday, but this time, it didn't feel the same.
"Are you ready to go y/n? The driver is here."
My Ma' tapped on my door frame,  and leaned against it with a sorrowful smile. A deep void of regret filled her eyes, but she knew she had no choice.
"Yes Ma...."  I tossed my silky brown hair into a messy bun, and finished buttoning my flannel. The suitcase on my bed was now in my hand as I lugged it down the stairs. To be honest, I wanted to leave as quickly as I could, I would feel worse if I stuck around any longer. And I knew I wouldn't be able to bear seeing OIF as I leave. My feet seemed to sprint on their own, I ran towards the car and sobbed silently into my sleeve, waving goodbye to the life I once knew, and the only home I have ever loved.

I arrived in the Tokyo airport deep into the night. The lights were so blinding, and honestly it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. However, I was far too tired to admire the scenery. The cab driver dropped me off at the dormitory where I would be staying. Of course I would be moving in with a roommate, which was the scariest part of this whole journey. I shook off my nervous jitters and took a deep breath, preparing for what would lie beyond the door of my room. I walked in and looked around, focusing my eyes on the room around me. The room was huge with marble pillars and a velvet carpet. Silk curtains lined the huge windows over viewing the school I would be attending. How Ma' could afford a luxurious room like this was beyond me. 'Looks like they aren't here yet..' I sighed to myself, ready to just fall into my bed and sleep as I had been desiring to all this time. The mattress was warm and soft, a huge bed with silk sheets and alpaca fur blankets was enough to send me into a deep, deep sleep.

(This was rushed I'm in math class sos 🙁)

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