And So They Met..! (Chapter 6)

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I followed my "tour guide" to the large booth where I noticed five other males sitting. They all radiated different auras, so I could automatically tell this was the wild bunch Mekaila had told me so much about. He had already ran towards the group while I took my time, not wanting to rush my relationships with each of them (hopefully I'll be able to know them like that...). I took a deep breath as the heels of my shoes echoed throughout the dining hall. I stop at the front of the table, besides Mekaila. Automatically, eyes were focused on me. Some kind, others a little intimidating..but never once did I let them get to me. The air around us all chilled as the awkward tension was slowly killing us. The first one to speak up was Mekaila.

", Y/N, these guys are the ones I was telling you about!" He shared a smile with me, making me feel surprisingly comfortable in such difficult circumstances. After staring at them for so long without any thoughts, I snapped back to reality and shot a quick, warm smile at the group.

"Sorry about that..! I'm Y/N! Mekaila and I have been friends ever since he work-" But suddenly, my words were cut short by a quick jab in the side by none other than Mekaila himself. I probably should keep the farm a secret for now, it might make him embarrassed. I couldn't just leave my sentence like that. So with my mind working, I came up with the quickest come-back I could think of. "...worked on his idoling career!" I gave myself a mental pat on the back. My eyes shot to Mekaila to see if he was alright, and he gave me a wink as a sign to congratulate my quick thinking. My cheeks turned a slight shade of pink with his gesture, but I figured now was not the time to be thinking about him like that this early on..

"Well, any friend of Mekaila is a friend of ours." Said a calm and kind voice coming from the middle of the booth. The male that spoke had a gentle tone which made me feel safe, even though I don't even know his name! I cant exactly place my finger on it. "Right, my name is Azaria! Here, I can make some room if you'd like a seat!" This got my face a little warmer than usual. Kind gestures like this were unusual in school, so of course I was a little flustered.

"Oh no please! I'm alright, plus you all look a little squished in that tight booth anyways." I noted before  quickly stepping back as I saw two other guys exit from the booth to make room.

"Ahh please, it's nothing! Isn't that right..?" He made a passive aggressive glare to the other two who had gotten up. They both nodded their head as I squeezed next to Azaria. His presence made me feel all warm, not in any weird way....but like I was at home, in a strange way. I felt another body press up against mine as the seats were filled next to me.

"Would you stop pushing me!" The male who made his way next to me said to the other who had just entered the booth. He hadn't yet made eye contact with me, but he slammed his hand on the table and stood the second his body was squished next to mine. Maybe I should've just sat with Mekaila on the other side of the booth. "Nina! You literally have all the room in the world! Move your fatass or I'll move it for you!"

"Sophia, can you ever speak at a normal tone, or is it always yelling with you?" I'm assuming the other named Nina said, sitting at the edge of the booth. Sophia scoffed and crossed her arms before looking at me with a stern look.

"Oh yeah, I'm Sophia, that guy over there is Nina.." He said a little irritated from the previous encounter. I smiled and nodded, not sure how to respond. He looked at me for a second, the sides of his mouth raising. He caught himself though, and looked back at his food in front of him. "Why can't Nina just sit with you Mekaila. I mean, Zen won't mind? Ain't that right, Zen?" Sophia scoffed, always seeing the need to complain. I seemed to zone out from their conversation, and just took a deep breath from all this overwhelming action.

"Hey Nina, Sophia, can you scoot really quick? I have to use the restroom really quick.." I say, already placing my hand on the seat and sliding off with the rest of them. "Thanks." I nod quickly as I rush off to the bathroom, hearing slight murmurs behind me. I slam the door and walk to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. The bathroom around me was even elegant. Nothing in this place seemed cheap, or remotely anything close to looking like home. I felt a wave of cool air wash over me as I saw the door open and another girl walked in to my surprise. She skipped towards me with a bright smile as I got ready to shake her hand.

"Hey..I'm not too sure I've seen you around..! Aren't you the exchange student from America?" She asked, lifting her head up so she could get a good look at me. "Oh right! Sorry, my name is Kennedy! But usually I go by Kenna!"

(Lol haye I'm too lazy to spell check 🐛🐛)

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