Second book.

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For those of you who didn't know, I've created a second book for Billion Dollar Girl, called Billion Dollar Baby!
It's on my profile if you would like to carry on the drama of Spencer and Andriana.

Sneak peak:

"I can't believe he did this to me." She whispered, into her mothers arms. It was the only place she felt safe, the only place she could hide. Her mother soothed her, rocking her daughter just like she used to when she was younger. They both jumped at the loud thunder-like banging on the front door. "I know you're in there Andriana!" He yelled, continuing to bang the door down. Katrina got up from the couch leaving her daughter under the security of a blanket, a fiery rage bubbling inside of her. She stalked her way to the door, ripping it open.
"If you don't stay away from my daughter I swear I'll make your life hell."

Once I'm back home in Australia (which is in two weeks) I'll have chapter one up!

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