Day 3 Art and Graft: Part 2

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Get Stuck In

After Allegra and I left the dressing room she went off to find Mason. I went to the kitchen to grab some coffee and something to eat. I saw Talia by the loungers and headed over to her.

She spotted me as I walked up, "Gianna, just the person I wanted to see."

I climbed onto the lounger with her, "What's up babe?"

"Oh, nothing just wondering where Jake is, figured you might know since there's obviously something going on between y'all?"

"I don't know what's going on with me and Jake, but I think I saw him in the bedroom with the others."

"Well, at least he's not somewhere by himself. I feel bad when he's all alone, ya know?, but enough about that...what's going on with you and Allegra, seems like she's been giving you the stink eye lately."

"Oh ya, we actually just had a long talk about it in the dressing room. Basically she thought I was after Mason. Which I'm not and I've tried to make that clear to him but he's still grafting hard on me. He told me he's not really into Allegra. I tried to tell him to crack on with Erikah, but not sure if he will take my advice. As for Allegra, I told her not to put all her eggs in Masons basket. I think we are cool now, like I hope she knows I'm not a threat to her now since I've said I'm not into Mason."

Talia shifted around so she was lying with her head on my shoulder, "Allegra's just jealous".. she paused and I could feel her breath on my neck...."she's not the only person wondering what you'll do next."

"What are you hinting at Talia?"

"I'm saying, there's other people in here that have their eye on you..but enough about that, you seem tense. Let me give you a back rub."

"Oh yes please, that sounds heavenly." I didn't think much of it at the time because I was really tense.

"Sweet, ok roll over." I rolled over onto my front and Talia straddled my back. Her palms kneaded my shoulders. It felt amazing, like all the tension was just melting away.

"Oh, Talia, that feels so good I needed this."

"Shh, no talking, just breathe deeply and enjoy love." Her hands made figure eight patterns on my back and down my sides. Her hands were soft but firm at the same time..."close your eyes, clear your mind." She shimmied down and began to message my shins, then she worked her way back up my legs, taking each in turn. Her hands moved higher, and higher, and higher...I let out a moan and she stopped..."ok, I think that's enough for today. Roll over."

She climbed off me and sunk into the sun lounger. "It could've done a better job if I had all my lotions and potions. And if you were naked, a true massage is always done in the nude."

I giggled, "oh stop you're making me blush. It was still amazing even without all that. I feel like I owe you one now though, so go on roll over."

Without any hesitation, she rolled over onto her front and untied her top. I began kneading her back with my fingers..

She moaned, "That feels so good, you're a devil at this, give me all you got, push harder."

I leaned into her pushing the heels of my hands into her shoulders.

"Oh my god, yes, ah that feels good."

Just as I was finishing up Levi yelled at us from the roof terrace, "What is going on down there?"

We both laughed and Talia said, "Gianna's giving me the once-over. She's amazing."

I started to blush again, "Glad you liked it hun."

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