Day 5 My Type On Paper: Part 4

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Tim's Big Date

Once Talia stepped out of the shower I stayed in to clean myself up. Once I was all clean I got out and headed into the dressing room to get dressed. I was almost done getting dressed when I heard someone singing from the showers. It sounded like Tim, so I decided to listen in.

"With the bass, i do damage,
The bars I spit are so savage,
Take the girls home for a sandwich.
Naw, that's not right, what rhymes with savage? I wonder where I left my rhyme book."

The shower stopped and Tim stepped out and spotted me.

"Oh, Gianna, What's up?"

"Hey Tim. I heard you rapping, not bad."

"Thanks, Gianna. I'm still trying to figure it all out but I reckon I could become a rap legend once I get out of here. I know the right people, just gotta put in the work. Ya feel me?"

"Ya, I get you Tim."

"I knew you'd get it. We're on the same level, you know. I get you, you get me. It's all good."

"I take it you're feeling good about your date tonight then?"

"Ya for sure, I'm buzzing right now. But I still don't know who I'm taking. Wanna help me decide?"

"Sure, tell me what you're thinking."

"Well, I reckon Cherry would be a good time. She's so fit it's unreal and I bet she's got the chat to go with it. I wouldn't mind getting her alone to see how we get along."

"Ok, I can see that, but who else are you trying to decide between?"

"Uh, Jen."

"Seriously Tim? Even after what you said about her and what happened during the quiz?"

"Well, ya I didn't know her then, and I still don't so I figure if we spend time together then I can show her I'm not  just some idiot lad. Plus I want to know what's up with her and Levi and no one will see it coming, that's my move, keep them guessing what i'll do next. So...what do you think?"

"Hmmm...take Jen. It will definitely shock everyone and it seems like you are into her. So why not show her the real you, the guy behind all the raps and jokes."

"Yeah, you're right. I reckon it will be good to get to know her better."

"Who do you think Erikah is going to take?"

"No clue, I'd say Rohan probably since she hasn't really seemed into anyone but him. I guess we will find out soon though."

"Ya, well I'll let you finish getting ready Tim."

He nodded and I left the bathroom to go find the others. I was really curious to find out who Erikah was taking on her date. I found the rest of the gang hanging out by the sun loungers.
The girls were all chatting about how sticky they still felt and Rohan was making fun of them for it. A wasp flew near the girls. Allegra jumped out of her seat and swatted frantically at the air.

Jake came to the rescue. "Ok, hold still."

Allegra shrieked, "Hold still?! Are you crazy, that thing is going to sting me."


Jake calmly ran his hand through Allegra's hair and the wasp flew out and away towards the pool.

"Jake, you're my hero. I was scared."

Jake looked bashful and sat back down. "Oh, it was nothing."

Erikah went and sat down next to Jake and placed her hand on his leg. "This is going to keep happening now, isn't it? We are like walking honey traps. She leaned closer to Jake and smiled at him, "We are going to need someone to be on wasp duty from now on, Jake, I nominate you. With your strong hands and calm demeanor, I'm sure you can protect us from them."

Jake sat there in shock not knowing what to say or do. I felt anger rising inside me as I saw Erikah getting closer to Jake. She was clearly grafting on him, but why? She had never shown an interest in him before.

Allegra's phone beeped.."Guys, i got a text."
Islanders, please head over to the kitchen, where the winners of today's challenge will announce who they are taking on a romantic date.
We all headed into the kitchen. Tim would choose first then Erikah.

"Right, my turn, the girl I'm taking out on a date this evening is Jen!"

Jen looked over at him, clearly shocked, "What?"

Levi put his arm around Jen and glared at Tim, "What? Are you serious?"

A few others looked around and said what amongst themselves.

"I'm for real, so what do you say, Jen? I'm really sorry about what happened earlier, and I'd like a chance to show you I'm a bit more than my first impression."

"Well, since you apologized, I guess I could give you a second chance."

Jen turned to Levi, whispered something in his ear and kissed his cheek.  Levi grinned and nodded. She probably told him not to worry.

Levi put his hand on Tim's shoulder,  "You go ahead, mate. Make sure to have her back by midnight."

Tim slid out from under Levi's grip, "Right, Let's get cracking then. I'm looking forward to this date Jen, I don't think I've ever dated someone as posh as you. Will you show me which knife and fork to use. I usually just eat with my hands."

Jen looked over at him and it took her a second to realize he was joking. I was really looking forward to how this date was going to go.

"Come on then, let's go get ready."

Jake stopped him, "Er, mate, hold on. There's still another announcement."

"Oh yeah, right. Erikah you're up."

Erikah glanced around at all of us, her eyes landing on me...
"I choose Jake."

Jake looked over at me to see my reaction. I stood there with my mouth wide open. I was in shock, but once I realized everyone was staring at me I quickly tried to regain my composure.

"I didn't realize you fancied him, Erikah. But I don't blame you. He's a total catch. I hope y'all have a good date."

Tim walked over to Jen and offered her his arm, "I'm literally so hyped up. We've got dates. Come on let's go."

Erikah, Jen and Tim headed back towards the villa. Jake walked over to me before following them into the villa.

"I don't know why she picked me, are you ok with this? I don't have to go."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, gave him a hug and whispered in his ear.

"It's cool. I trust you, I don't trust Erikah though, so just be cautious. I think she has a motive for asking you."

He nodded and kissed my cheek before heading into the villa.

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