11: Flustered

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Norman POV
I awoke from this weird nightmare, somebody in the dream told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the- Fine, I will stop. But these Phil ripoffs woke me up. I walked into the living room and saw Y/N. Her E/C eyes were so pretty, they were bright, literally. Okay, not, but still- she noticed me and seemed a little flustered. Heh, checkmate emo.

"Good morning, N/N!" I said with a smile. Her face went a bright red and she tried to avoid eye contact. "Morning..." She muttered under her breath, did something happen? Then, I felt a light punch on my shoulder. "Morning, Norman." It was that son of a emo bitch again. "Oh, good morning, Y/N. Mind if I help you?" Ray said tilting his head.

"S-Sure.." She said, trying not to look at him, her face was getting redder every millisecond. That bastard.. how dare he..

Breakfast was over and I quickly ran outside. I also found out from Norman's weird yandere monologue that Emma liked me too. I know, it's weird. But.. I think I might have a crush on all three of them. Yeah, I have a problem, I know. Then I found Emma doing.. whatever the hell she was doing. She was fucking on the ground rolling from side to side.

"Oh! Y/N!" Emma ran up to me and hugged me. "You look really pretty today!~" Emma chirped, a grin on her face. My face went red again and I covered it, "T-Thanks, Emma.." I stuttered. "Eh? You never stutter unless somethings up. What's wrong?" Emma said worriedly, she grabbed my hands. Before I knew it, she was red in the face. She was fucking beautiful like that- wait what?

But, like, have you ever seen a girl so pretty that you wanna fucking cry? Norman is too cute as well, Ray has a nice.. climate. "Y/N! Emma!" I heard a certain albino cry. Norman ran up to me, the biggest smile on his face. My stomach felt this weird but nice sensation as soon as he came up to me. "Let's go discuss the plan, kay?" Norman said warmly.

We headed to the forest, me and Emma skipping in the front of Norman and Emma. We talked a bit, Norman and Ray too. We got in a spot and they started talking. "Oh, by the way, I'm Mamas spy." Ray said calmly. That little shit. Then I once again, screamed dramatically cause there was a fucking ladybug. I leapt onto Emma, "BUG!" I screamed.

"U-Uh.. dont worry, I'll protect you!" Emma said, and she somehow picked me up. "My hero~!" I said as I grabbed her affectionately. We both laughed, I was expecting Norman and Ray to be pretty, but instead they smiled. Guess they thought this was cute. But anyway, Emma went on this creepy tangent about how she felt bad for Ray, but at the same time threatened him. Like, what the actual fuck?!

I guess I'm just not used to seeing the adorable and precious Emma like this.

Emma POV
We met in one of the spare bedrooms, and talked a bit. "So there's a wall there? Huh, guess shes not so much of a dumbass after all." The beautiful and gorgeous girl known as Y/N said. She was beautiful, oh, and the person reading this is beautiful too! "There should be something so that we can communicate!" Don impatiently said. I still cant believe Norman lied.

"No, Don, we cant. We'll just have to get some shit to break in and find em. We dont even know if there alive, du-" "Y/N!" I scolded, Don was confused as to what she was about to call him, but he brushed it off. She grumbled, Norman and Ray seemed slightly irritated at me doing that. I guess me getting onto there wifey got to them.

"We can only fucking get them outta there if we have an axe or something. Maybe tomorrow when Mama just spontaneously combust- because I cant find her anywhere at 7:00 PM." She said, I liked when she went on rants, anything she says is entertaining. "Really? So, at 7:00?" Gilda asked adorably. She was a big cinnamon roll, what can I say?

"Yeah, at-" "No, its fine." Don said bitterly, and ran off. Gilda went after him. "Tch, who does that bitch think we are? Some kind of magician? This isn't fucking hogwarts-" "Calm down, Y/N." Ray said. I suspected Don and Gilda were gonna do something though..

Hi! So yeah, Emma is the most adorable lesbian ever. Can we agree with that?

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