19: In bed with Ray

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Third POV
"So, what did you wanna meet here for?" Ray said as he took a seat. "What are we gonna do now? Normans-" "I don't care." Ray interrupted Don. You looked at him with surprise. "I dont care, you can escape if you want to." Ray hopelessly said, avoiding any source of eye contact with you guys. "Then, what about this?" Emma asked.

"I dont care. You can have it." Ray muttered, your expression softened. It seemed now you were the one in the position to comfort them. Emma ran off and burst into tears, Don and Gilds ran after her. You sighed, you truly didnt care anymore either. You carried a seat next to him and sat in it. There was a long moment of silence before Ray spoke.

"Y/N... why?" Ray whispered, as he slowly put his hand on yours. "Why what, man?..." You asked softly. "Why are you like this?.. You always comfort others when they need you, but never let others do the same for you." Ray said as he slowly looked at you. "I.. dont know, I guess its cause I'm supposed to be the one to make everyone happy. I'm supposed to be the one everyone laughs at." You said as you looked away from him.

Ray paused, then sighed. "To be honest, I don't know what I would do without you, Y/N. Your more then just the friend who everyone laughs at to me, y'know?" Ray said, a blush starting to spread on his face. You smiled, "Heh, thanks, emo." You said playfully. You looked at eachother for a while, taking in each others features. A blush seemingly starting to spread on both of your faces.

Ray finally spoke, "You look beautiful with the moon shining on you." Ray complimented. You turned beet red, and smiled. "T-Thanks, you too.." You said, then realizing what you did just say. Ray looked a bit shocked, but flustered at the same time. He soothingly smiled. "Should we go to bed now?" You asked as the bell chimed. "Heh, sure." Ray smirked, he was definitely planning something

You two walked to the bedrooms, conversing as you went. Ray took your hand and took you to his bed. You were a bit confused, then got what he wanted you to do. You were flustered, but crawled onto the bed anyway. "Hehe, seems you got it." Ray said. He crawled next to you and layed down. You looked at him before cuddling him cause why not. As you drifted off to sleep, you heard Ray say something.

"I love you, N/N."

I woke up in Ray's bed, remembering last night. Hehehe, last night- I'll stop. He was hugging my waist, as I held onto his. I buried my face into his chest, friends could cuddle, right? He looked pretty handsome like this. Okay, nevermind, that's creepy. I didn't notice the fact that several children were looking at us, shipping us. Fuck. Anyway-

I went into the dining hall and helped some people out with plates cause that's the only thing I'm fucking good at ;D. I sat next to Emma, Mama did her usual greeting, and I ate normally for the first time. A lot of people were concerned, some were gonna ask, but Ray gave them death glares for whatever reason. I went outside with Emma.

I played with Phil cause why not, and holy shit there was a wasp- I screamed and ran. "H-Hold on, Y/N! I'm coming!" Emma said as she limped over to me. She literally fucking crushed the wasp with her bare hands. "Jesus fucking christ, Emma!" I said, sort of scared. Emma smiled at me, before limping back to the tree. I sighed.

♡Time skip♡
I heard humming, it was night time, what would anyone be awake for at this hour? I walked into the dining hall, it was Ray. "Your voice is pretty." I complimented, a lazy grin planted on my face. Ray looked at me then smiled, "I can say the same for you, baby~" Ray said, smugly. I blushed, and let out a long sigh. "Well, what are you doing up, anyway?" I asked.

"Same goes for you, hun." Ray silently said. My face burned up a bit. "But, Y/N."

"You still haven't gave up, haven't you?!"

A small chapter for Ray fans. Also, sorry bout the pun, I couldnt help it ;-;.

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