chapter 1

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"What you doing."

Miranda quickly pulled some papers over her list and turned to face him. "What's that?" she asked, feeling her cheeks heat like she had been caught doing something wrong.

"What are you reading?" he clarified moving closer to her sitting beside her at the table in the attending's lounge.

"Reading this magazine." Miranda took a deep breath before responding back to none other than Benjamin Warren. She met him a few weeks ago and she liked him, but she wasn't ready to date. She wasn't even divorced yet.

"What about?" he asked.

She knew full and well he had already seen the title, so there was no reason to lie. "It's about doing things differently in your life. Expanding your horizon. You know lose weight, eat healthier, read a book, listen to new music...

"Well what did you write down to do differently." Ben asked curiously moving the paper from on top of the magazine.

She quickly slapped her hand down on the paperwork to stop him before he discovered her Sexual Bucket list, she didn't want Ben to see the kind of things she had on there. She hasn't had sex in almost 3 years and most of the things up there she has never done before.

"What are you hiding?" Ben asked smiling trying to move her hands.

"Its nothing really, just a list I created from looking at this magazine." She said picking up the papers along with the magazine.

"Well let me see I could create a list too." Miranda blushed so hard at the thought of him creating the list, before she knew it she licked her lips and glanced over his body. The next thing she knew, her list was pulled from her grasp and Ben was glancing over it.

She was so shocked she couldn't move.

"Wow." Ben said studying the list he was completely turned on.

Miranda watched his face as he took it in. He looked amused and almost excited "why was he excited?" She thought to herself.

"I can help you out with those if you want ?" he said, moving to leave the room.

She quickly looked up unable to form words . "Yo-you what?!"

"I am offering to help you accomplish the list." He smiled " "let me know what you decide."

With that he left her standing in the lounge, frozen. Her heart was racing and her knees weak. He couldn't have read her list. Did he read the right list?

Miranda had been trying her best to avoid Ben for a few days. She was thinking about his offer and she kind of wanted to take him up on it. She honestly didn't even know how to bring it up.

She finished her last surgery and walked out the OR when she saw him. "Hey Ben." Miranda said jogging up to him.

"You done avoiding me, Miranda?" Ben said smirking.

"I was not avoiding you," she mumbled, making sure to avoid him. She already knew, he thought she was lying. "You were avoiding me." He said again laughing.

"Okay I was. I needed some time. I thought about your offer and I am going to take you up on that."

Ben smiled he honestly didn't think she would. He asked seriously but slightly joking.

"But first I must tell you that I will not have my personal business all over the hospital like every other resident hoe there." She said with her lips pursed together, trying to sound strict as possible. "so, there for, you will not flirt with me at work, ok you will not kiss me at work. You will not look at me with the I've seen you naked eyes at work what we do in the bedroom stays in the bedroom."

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