Miranda recieved a text from Ben asking her to come over at 6.

She responded back that she will be there and asked him if he wanted her to bring anything or pick up dinner.

Ben told her to bring her self and that he had a sweet tooth tonight with a winking emoji.

Miranda knew what he ment and she got super excited. There was only one more item left on this list and her boyfriend was going to deliver.

Miranda went into her closet and pulled out her brown trench coat that came with a belt. She got out her black open toe lace up platform heels and set those to the side. She stood in the mirror and did her hair pulling it up and back with curls leaving a bang. She finished off the looked she wanted with red lipstick. Miranda lotion down anf rubbed baby oil on her body, so she would glisten. She slid the coat onto her naked frame and closed it, tying it tightly after she put her shoes on and tied them up. She left and drove to Ben's apartment.

Miranda knocked on the door and waited for Ben to open up.

When he did, he gasped and muttered "Damn." Miranda always took his breath away.

"You look so beautiful."

"Thank you baby, you look so incredibly handsome by the way." Miranda said walking into the room.

She took in the room and it was beautiful.

He moved the couch further back in the living room and left a huge open space that had a blanket laid down on the floor in the middle of the room in front of the fireplace. There was ice cream and so many topping in bowls on the side of the blanket.  Miranda blushed looking at the cans of whipped-cream. There was so many things she wanted to do.

Ben walked over to Miranda and kissed her lips. She stopped kissing him and looked into his brown eyes. The intense eye contact shocked his system. "I love you, Miranda," he said sincerely and intently.

Miranda eyes widened this was the first time that they would have said it to eachother. She looked at him blushing "I love you too Ben." Their lips met again, this time with as much passion as they could muster. They both wanted to skip the formalities and make love right now, but was so intrigued with all the sweets by them.

Ben took his hand and pulled the belt open on her coat and licked his lips looking at her naked body.

Miranda helped him relieve his clothes and she sat down onto the sheet and laid back like she was on a platter. Ben looked between Miranda and all the toppings and his mouth watered. He didn't know what he wanted first. She breathed out slowly and closed her eyes tight as Ben turned back around to face her. She heard something rattle as he shook it, and then gasped as something cold swirled around her left nipple. She released a shaky breath as she felt him do the same to her right. She peaked through her lashes to see two fluffs of whipped cream covering her nipples and Miranda's pulse quickened as she realized that soon he'd have to lick it away.

Next Ben reached for the chocolate sauce. He turned and saw that Miranda's eyes were wide open now and he couldn't help but be thankful for it. He wanted her to watch the desire in his eyes grow with every sweet he placed on her flesh. And oh, was desire swimming through the very core of his body.

Ben dipped his finger inside of the sauce, and hesitated for a moment before pressing it against her collar bone. He could feel Miranda tremble beneath his touch as he slowly slid his finger downward, between her breasts and the crevice of her stomach. He slowly circled her navel before lifting his finger away. He could see that she was breathing faster and he smirked to himself as he turned away to chose his next dessert.

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