chapter 3

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Miranda walked in the on call room waiting on Ben. She hasn't seen him in a few days, it was her week to have Tuck. They did text and talk on the phone every night this week.

When the door opened to the on-call room Miranda was so excited she could have jumped for joy. Her face fell when she saw Callie, she was screaming nooo on the inside.

"Hey Miranda I haven't seen you in almost three weeks and when I do your flying out of the hospital."

"Torres can I tell you later , I'm tired." Miranda said with a fake yawn.

Callie didn't care she sat right beside Miranda and started filling her in on everything that was going on recently with her and Arizona.

Miranda inwardly groaned checking her watched Ben would be here any minute now.

"That's all good its no reason to break up, yall will be back together tomorrow. Alright now there's the door."

"Bailey what kind of best friend are you?" Callie asked laughing at Miranda's confused face.

"Your not even listening to me and sleep is not that important to rush me out. "

"Im sorry Callie, Hey look come over tomorrow bring your bag stay the night and we will talk and watch movies all night long."

"Okay that sounds good." Callie said satisfied with her response.

Just then the door opened up and Ben walked in, his face fell seeing Callie. Callie looked between Miranda and Ben and burst into a fit of laughter "oh so this is why you were rushing me. He's hot, continue on best friend I will see you tomorrow."

Miranda was so embarrassed she was blushing hard standing up to kiss him.

"Hey." Ben said smiling pulling her into him kissing her lips.

"Hey yourself." Miranda said looking at him.

"You have on a skirt and heels today. " Ben asked licking his lips.

"Yes I had a general surgery meeting at Seattle Press this morning." Miranda replied moving her bang out of her face.

He leaned back in and kissed her, picking her up with one arm. Miranda wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. Ben walked with her so he could lock the door. The two began stumbling backward before the back of his calves bumped against the wooden structure of the bed and he collapsed on it with Miranda still wrapped around him.

Once Miranda felt Ben sitting down, she shifted so Ben could move to the middle of the bed with Miranda following him, kicking off her heels as she did before one hand slid to Ben's head, pulling him back into a kiss while his hands fiddled with the buttons of her shirt. He started undoing them, taking care not to rip them in his haste to feel her naked skin against his.

Her shirt was soon removed and on the floor. Miranda tried to unzip her skirt but Ben pushed her hands kissing her lips "leave the skirt on for this round." He said smiling against her lips.

"Ben it's a pencil skirt. Designed to be tight we are going to rip it if I leave it on." Miranda didn't know why she even bothered she knew he didn't care.

Her hands were idle as she helped him to remove his blue scrub pants. Once they reached his ankles, Ben kicked them off him and onto the floor, leaving him clad in a pair of black boxers. Miranda was only wearing matching red underwear up under her skirt as she straddled him, running her hands down his toned chest before she leaned down and kissed him once more.

Ben's hands ran up her thighs, over her panty clad ass and over her back as she straightened up once more. Miranda shot him a sexy coy smile as her hands shifted to behind her back and unclasped her bra clasp.

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