chapter 4

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"Hey baby." Ben said smoothly in the phone

"Hey sweetie." Miranda replied sweetly. They have been seeing each other for a month now nonstop, ever since they established a relationship.

"What are you doing?" Ben asked rolling over in his bed.

"Just got out of the tub. Hold on I got to put you on speaker so I can lotion down."

Ben groaned into the phone with a mental image of her naked body dripping wet and drying off to put lotion on her smooth skin. Miranda knew what it was doing to him, she smiled widely hearing him groan.

"You still there?" Miranda asked looking at the phone

"Yes, I miss you."

"You miss me? You just seen me yesterday." Miranda said laughing. Ben and Miranda took Tuck to a jumping place called leaping lizards. She was glad Ben jumped with him because her child is so active he will tire you out.

"I miss you ,I like cuddling with you and laying next to you at night. I like coming home and knowing that your on the way or me coming to your house when you get off. I like spending time with you."

Miranda knew that he really did like spending time with her. They haven't had sex in weeks. They just spent time with eachother going on dates and the weeks that Tuck was with her the three of them did things together. Miranda wanted to initiate number 8 on the list.

"Are you all comfortable in bed, baby?"

"Yep. Just about to get some rest because tomorrow will be another long one."

"Uh, uh, uh, not so quick. Before you head off and we say our goodbye's there is just one more thing you need to do today."

"And what would that be."

"Ok, handsome, Tell me, if I was there, just where would you bite or lick me first?"

Ben's breathing hitched he knew she was doing number 8. They talked about it and she said she never had done it before and that she was nervous. He was surprised she was evening attempting.

"Miranda you don't have to - he started but she cut him off saying "I want you to come for me."

Ben tensed up and then looked at phone. He must have heard wrong.

Before he could tell her that her sultry voice was filling his ear. "My body is burning hot right now. I've been thinking about you for hours and while I was in the tub. Thinking about your tongue between my legs. I'm so wet right now. Slick and hot. All for you. I need you to touch me there, baby. Touch me and make the ache go away. I wanna touch you too."

"Are you-" Ben was so turned on he couldn't quite make the words, taking a moment to breathe before he spoke again. "are you touchin' yourself?"

Miranda bit her lip, hiding a coy smile into her pillow even though Ben couldn't see it. "Maybe." She responded.

Ben made a low, drawn-out sound in the back of his throat. Miranda clenched around her fingers, every single inch of her vibrating at the implications. Ben liked what he heard and was going to make it worth both their whiles.

"You need me to touch you?" Ben's voice sounded rougher now, like he was holding back on you just a few seconds ago. Miranda moaned, turning over on her back once more so she could get her fingers deeper. She reached up and teased her breasts. "Get you all wet for me, my tongue licking and suckling 'til you're crying and squealing, riding my face?"

The words were like a punch to the gut. Miranda whined, back arching and grinding down onto her fingers. Miranda breathed out hard It was so hard to do it like this. It was difficult for her own fingers to curl up and hit that spot that makes her vision white out for just a second when Ben's doing it. His thick fingers already familiar with her body, stretching her out until pleasure is a blur, rubbing her slowly inside and out until she feels like she's going to burst out of her skin.

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