Umbrella- Indah x Mateo

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Mateo strolled through the heavy rain, thinking of cats and dogs flying from the sky. Mateo knew that his sisters would be whining about it being too cold for them to take selfies outside, but Mateo loved the rain more than just about anything in the world. He loved the way it sounded when it hit his umbrella. He loved the way it looked, like a thick heavy mist settling over the earth. 

The rain was loud, but Mateo heard someone crying nearby. He moved toward the noise and found a girl standing in a dark alleyway alone. She looked fairly young, probably sixteen(Mateo is seventeen in this story). She had a honey-nougat complexion and braided caramel hair that was tied into two ponytails in the back. She wore a soaking wet sweater and black pants. Hot tears were running down her cheeks, but Mateo could tell she was trying to hold them back so nobody would see. 

This, Mateo remembered, was Indah Smith. His ex-girlfriend's arch-nemesis. He remembered his ex-girlfriend(Linah) always taunting and teasing Indah and her best friend, Kim-ly. Mateo always felt bad after Linah bullied Indah, but never apologized to the poor girl. 

" Hi, Indah," said Mateo shyly. 

Indah looked up, her bloodshot eyes filling with anger. " What do you want?" she asked. 

" Well, you seemed stuck in the rain. I was maybe wondering if you wanted to share my umbrella?" Mateo offered. 

" No! Why would I do that? I barely know you!" Indah replied, the rain pounding harder. 

This is obviously not true. " Well, I guess I'm going then. Bye," Mateo muttered, wanting to kick himself for dealing with the situation so poorly. 

Mateo walked off, feeling annoyed and irritated at what he'd just done. Hi, Indah?  Real smooth, Mateo! He moved down the street in a hurry to get home, thinking about the pastry his sisters would've cooked up. 

" Wait!" called Indah. 

Mateo turned around. " Yeah?" 

" W-well...I suppose I'll share your umbrella with you. If your offer is still on the table," Indah admitted. 

Mateo held out his umbrella so Indah could scooch in. 

" So, why were you crying?" Mateo asked as they walked down the street. 

" It boyfriend cheated on me with some girl," confessed Indah. 

" I'm really sorry. That must suck," Mateo told her. 

" Yeah, it does," nodded Indah. 


Sub-consciously, Mateo reached out and took Indah's hand. Indah liked how warm Mateo's hand felt. To Mateo's surprise, Indah didn't let go. 

(I'm really sorry this is so short, but I was going through a little case of writer's block)

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