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It was a week since that encounter with Liam Payne, and I had forgotten about it. Until now, of course because I’m talking about it… okay, never mind, just forget I said any of that. 

The smell of brand new books hit me as I walked into Barnes and Noble and I sighed at the feeling of it. 

No matter what anyone says, this is my heaven. 

I absolutely loved this place, and not just because it had a starbucks in it. Without wasting any more time in the front door, I made my way to the Teen Fiction part of the store. I may have just graduated college, but there was no denying the rush I get when reading this genre of fiction. 

     I started browsing through books that had just come out when I ran into someone. 

The same laugh met my ears as I looked up. 

      “We keep meeting like this,” he said. 

I looked up at him, and my cheeks turned pink. Damn you cheeks. 

       “Yeah, I guess so.” I laughed lightly, trying to hide my embarrassment. But with the grin that was steadily growing on his face I could tell that my attempts at it were useless. 

        “How have you been, Kait?” he raised an eyebrow and I felt an unfamiliar feeling go through me. He remembered my name. 

       “I’ve been good,” I say, turning back to the shelves and trying to keep my voice light. I pick up the hunger games even though I already own it. I love the new cover changes; I should’ve waited to buy them. 

       “May I ask what you’re doing here?” he asked, taking the book from my hands and weighing it. He stared at the cover and frowned before putting it back down. 

       “I’m here to buy books, obviously.” I said, annoyed that he put the book down, I was considering buying it. (Probably not, but still). 

        “Really? Me too.” He smiled, showing a perfect row of white teeth. 

I raised an eyebrow at him, not believing for a second that someone with his track record would ever come into a bookstore to buy a book. 

       “What book are you getting?” I asked, walking over to the next shelf and pulling off ‘the young elites’ by Marie Lu. 

        “This one,” he pulled off Snow Like Ashes by Sarah Raasch and I couldn’t help but laugh. 

        “You’ll like it, trust me.” I laughed again and picked up two more books to add to my collection before walking towards the check out. 

       “Actually that’s not the reason why I came.” He said while following me. 

       “Really? I wouldn’t have guessed.” I took my place in line and fumbled around in my bag to take out my wallet. 

       Liam didn’t say anything for a few seconds until I was called up to pay for my books. I just put them on the shelf when he came up behind me putting his book on top. 

       “I got it,” he said simply, paying the price as the girl rang up the books. 

Frowning, I took the bag, taking out his book in the process. 

     “Don’t you have a job?” I asked him. 

He smiled and walked me outside, “I do,” he said, “But I could ask the same about you.”

       “I’m off for the day.” I replied, “And you?” 

Liam opened the door for me and let me go out first, “I only work nights.” He replied. 

I am Dark (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now