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Tenshi's POV

"Sunday morning rain is pouring." My earphone blasted in a sunday afternoon while I rest on my bed. My bed seems to be the most comfortable place in the world, those fluffy and soft sheets that you lay onto, the smell of your room as you inhale and exhale calmly. The soft muttered and voices from outside the house or the room. You just get your own "me space", which I love the most. As I stare blankly at the ceiling, my phone started to ring.

Buying basic needs today.
•Panty liner
•Toilet Paper
•Shower Gel
•Liquid Detergent
•Fabric Conditioner
•Face Mask

These are just some of the things that I needed to buy. Some are the things that I don't need, but I want to buy so that's that. I need to buy things like this because my cousins are always busy and I need to take care of myself. Also, shopping calms me. I like my company. I like being alone, again perks of being an introvert. I sat down for the past 4 minutes, contemplating whether I should dress up or just be the boring girl I am, and yes. I decided to be boring. I stand up and went to my dresser, pick up some hoodie and my denim shorts. I lay both of the clothes on my bed as I go and took a bath.

I went inside the bathroom. Undresses myself, and step above the shower. I decided to slowly turn on the shower in a very mild temperature. I stand there, completely out of my senses. It's been days, and Paolo is not really that active in social media which makes my social media boring without him. I grab my shower gel and slowly rub it to my body. This shower gel is my most favorite body gel. It's a natural fruit, which is peach. Peach is the most fruity and calming scent I've ever smell. It's from the body shop, and it's so good. I let it rest on my body as I put the bottle back again and grab the shampoo. My shampoo is just a Dove, I like the smell of Dove in my hair, it's also smell so good. I put a small amount of shampoo on my scalp and start to massage my scalp gently. I closed my eyes for a moment because I can't really close my eyes that long. I imagine that there's eyes on me.

As I fully showered and clean myself

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As I fully showered and clean myself. I got out of shower. I barely even stay long on the shower. I don't really like to take long shower it's because it takes a lot of time, plus it is not good for the body. I got myself a towel and starts to dry myself. I then plug the blower, and starts to blower my hair for a several minutes just to stop it from dropping an uncontrollably amount of water droplets that comes from the strand of my hair. As I go out, I put some deodorant and put my dress on. I walk towards my drawer to get my perfume.

I love this perfume, my aunt bought me this when she went home from abroad and starting that day, I grew fond to this perfume ever since

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I love this perfume, my aunt bought me this when she went home from abroad and starting that day, I grew fond to this perfume ever since. I put it on my hoodie and the side of my neck and starts to spread the liquid.

Lastly, I brush my hair. I got my small bag and put the necessary things that I will be needing as I go get some groceries. I wear my bag on and slides on my vans shoes and starts to get going.

As I go out, I got some grab and proceeds on my way to the store. On my way to the store, I can't help but think of what might happen tomorrow. Will it be boring? It probably will, especially my friends are not in the same school as I am, but nonetheless I will make sure that my first day will not be that bad. The 7 minutes drive to the store finally comes to an end as the driver stop the cab in front of the market. I proceeds to pay him and head out of the cab immediately. Walking inside the mall, I immediately got myself a cart and starts to go to the respective counters and shelves that I will be getting my things and food from. I walk slowly, trying to check all the food displayed on the shelf. I continued walking, from section to section as I found myself in the international food section. Ohhh, damn feet you know where to take me huh? I scan the imported goods and drinks, trying to scan a good food to eat. And finally saw my true love, of course it's a food. And of course it's not just an ordinary food. It's Quadratini of Loacker, which I fell in love with during my childhood days. I smiled behind my mask as I reach for it.

A hand touches mine like we are reaching for the same food

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A hand touches mine like we are reaching for the same food. I looked at the person, he's kinda tall. More of like I'm in his shoulder or something, I'm not quite sure.

"Oh I'm sorry. Go ahead." I apologize quickly as I removed my hand on his. I can't really see his face, he's wearing a mask, an eye glasses and a bennie on. He bows down in apology as I also do the same thing. I grab my own quadratini and put it in my cart and proceeds to walk the opposite direction of where the guy is heading. I don't really mind those kind of stuffs, it really happens in real life it's not supposed to be a big deal. I then stop by to get some Cadbury Caramel ice cream and proceeds to the counter. I wait in line for about 5 minutes to finally be able to pay my grocery items. I pay my bills and get the things I payed and proceeds to go to the stall of the body shop to buy a showel gel.

After buying what I need and want. I then proceeds to get myself a cab and starts to get going. As I remember the event that happened in the market I just realized the guy's finger.. it has the same ring as Paolo, the glasses shaped ring. What an odd thing to spy with my little eyes.

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