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Tenshi's POV

It has been weeks since we last talk casually and held a proper conversation. It has been a quiet week, without Paolo my life is hella dull. I can now confirm that I am a pretty boring person. I tried initiating a conversation but he always reply with yes, no, maybe. I also saw that he's been hanging out with Axel. There's nothing wrong about it. He completely know who I am, I don't worry things that Axel might tell to Paolo. It's not a big deal anymore. I sigh deeply. He's making me miss him huh.

I look myself at the mirror. You're pretty, pretty boring. Pretty plain. Just you and you're boring personality. Paolo just thinks it will be cool for him to become friends with you because you seem unproblematic, but that's it. You're not the definition of fun to him. You know what? Fuck it. Fuck everything. I actually thought I will be having a good ass friendship with him. It's not that I chose him but he gave me hope that my life can get better, that it can be fun. I don't have friends in my block mates all of them are just bunch of acquaintances, nothing more. I run my hands towards my hair, sign of frustration. I pressed my lips together, calming the hell out of me. There's no way in hell Paolo didn't recognize me as a friend right? Besides it's just what? 2 weeks of not talking with each other properly? It's good right? We're good right?

I got my phone and decided to ask him anyway.

We're okay

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We're okay. We are okay. Hopefully that's true.

My phone vibrated almost 5 minutes ago. It's the new vlog of Paolo. I clicked it as fast as I can. I read the title. It's been awhile. Well duh. It's a 10 minutes long vlog.

He started to talk about how he's been, his stay here in the province. How his experience with the college here.

"Oh I also went to Baguio with my friend Tenshi. Shout out to my best buddy. I know you're watching. I was inspired about the girl best friend pov because of her actually. Hahaha. But it's not what you think guys. We're really just friends."

He smiles as he waved at the camera. I smiled, so that's why he likes me to watch it.

"Anyway, I'm here to tell you guys about the girl I like. She's very pretty, and also outgoing. We met because my other friend and also I already met her the first day of school. Such a fun girl to be with. We've been talking for almost two weeks? I guess. Yeah and we've been hanging out a lot. I don't really know if she will watch this but if she does. Hi."

He said as he smiles brightly. So that's why, is he avoiding me? Or maybe the girl asked him to? That's possible. Well, anyway if that's what makes him happy. It's sunday today and great, tomorrow is another fucking boring day. I'll just gym and distract myself.


The day goes by so fast that It's already monday today. I prepare myself and get ready. When I'm about to out of my room, I spotted a little box. Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. My badass days. I smiled. I guess it's time to put it on again. I walk towards the table, and open the small box. I saw my noserings, and my earrings. I put my noserings first.

 I put my noserings first

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Then my earrings.

I smiled when I see myself at the mirror

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I smiled when I see myself at the mirror. I miss this look. When did the last time I wore these? 6 months? Who knows. I'm thankful my piercings didn't close. It will be difficult and painful for me to put it in again if ever.

I look at the time. Holy fucking cow. I'm late already. I hurriedly walk out of the room and locked the house. I brisk walk towards the school. I'm almost 5 minutes late, this is fucking irritating.

I arrived in front of the school, catching my breath. I walk towards the room for our first subject. I open the door and see our professor. I apologized for being late.

"Tenshi, I miss that look of yours." One of my block mate stated. I smirk and mouth thanks for her complicate.

I brush my hair to fall down to it's place. I brush my hair... I brushed my hair.. Holy fuck. I forgot to tie my hair. Wow just my luck. I look at my seat at the same spot. It's unoccupied. I didn't even dare to look at Paolo, I just find another vacant seat and sit there. I ain't going to sit next to him anymore. I'm tired with this bullshit situation. We're just friends and it's not a big deal if we are not going to sit together anymore. We don't even talk anymore. So, is sitting close to each other will make any difference? I bet it won't. It won't kill anyone. Just my luck I didn't know that my seatmate is Axel.

"I miss you being by my side." He whispers and pouts. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please don't give me that attitude. You know damn well what I am capable of." He starts to threat.

"Tell me, what is it exactly that you are capable of doing? If you think it's necessary, then feed your fragile ego. I'm done with your emotional manipulation. Do what you wanna fucking do. I won't give any single flying fuck about it." I murmured back. My voice might be small, but the tense and my seriousness will always be heard.

He chuckles. "Sure. If you say so. I'm a very easy person."

I just ignored him. I'm so done with his bullshit. I'm not in my good mood so I don't want to talk to anyone about anything at all. So I hope they stay out of my fucking way. I'm pissed and I really think the reason behind this was the vlog.

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