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Author's Note:
Hello readers! I really know it's been awhile isn't? However, thank you for sticking and waiting for the update of this story! I really didn't expect that this story will somehow blew off. Thank you for the 495 reads, that shit's a lot! I will try and update and finish this book asap. Thank you again and luv y'all!

Paolo's POV

(For better experience, listen to Lay It Down by Steelix)

"Are you coming, bro?" Axel asking if I am coming through the other line.

"Yeah I'm almost there, I'll end this call real quick." I ended the call and saw his house packed with people. I parked my car and stop the engine of my car and got out.

The music is blasting, you can feel the bass on the ground as I walk towards the front door. A lot of our acquaintances greeted me and told me to enjoy my stay. I smiled and told them the same thing. I didn't know party is a thing here in the Philippines.

Axel spotted me and smile, starts to walk towards me and do our handshake. "You're here, finally." He smiles, I nod.

"I actually got lost." He laughs, while he pats my shoulder.

"I already told you this subdivision is hella big, you should listen to me sometimes." He teased and I just laugh for an answer.

The party went wild so bad, we did a lot of TikTok videos. I also got pretty tipsy and I don't know if I'm being drunk or just yep as I mentioned, tipsy. I actually do hope I won't be doing stupid things here.

"Hey Paolo!" Someone shouted calling me out. She waved at me and smile as she walk closer.

It's Ella. She's the one I'm talking about on my vlog. She's fun to be with, she doesn't talk that much to other people but she does talk to the people she's closed with. She hugged me tight and smiled, snapping my thoughts from my thoughts.

"Can you take a good picture of me over there? There's no people sitting there at the moment and I've been looking for you all over the place." She stated excitedly. It was a living room with a brick style wall, and a ack leather couch. She hurriedly took a sit and poses her fierce yet sexy pose for the camera.

I took a several shots and she finally check the photos I took. "Oh wow, I really like this one. It's so pretty and Instagram worthy, thank you so much Paolo." She smiled as she shows me the picture.

She's so pretty, her collarbone is popping, her messy hair compliments her beauty

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She's so pretty, her collarbone is popping, her messy hair compliments her beauty. She's very pretty. I smiled thinking about her.

"Since you're here, why not do a TikTok together?" I asked her, she looks skeptical about the idea but she agreed anyways. We do a lot of TikTok and we laugh as I suck at dancing, but it's fine because she's laughing at me and her laugh is soothing and calming to here, at least she's happy.

"Yo, you two! Come over here! Let's play." Axel shouted to the both of us, we both shrug and just went where they all are.

Axel stands up and introduced me to the other people I still don't know and then we all squat forming circle with a bottle on it, it's truth or dare probably. Ella is beside me and just kept on smiling the whole time. We all had our laughs and enjoy the spinning bottle, for the next 10 minutes it never landed on me which means I'm safe.

Not until this very moment. I shouldn't have celebrated ugh.

"Truth or Dare lover boy." Axel asked. I was thinking about saying truth but if I did, he will ask me about my crush and I don't want Ella to know it yet because I'm not ready.

"Dare" I answered, they all cheer me up. I look at Axel and he smiled at me and then he looks at Ella. My eyes widen, shit.. He knew there's something going on between us, I mean it's not that we're dating but we're talking and hanging out together, I have a big crush on her but I really don't know if she feels the same thing.

"French kiss you and Ella for 30 seconds" He dared me. Everyone is going wild and I am sweating a lot, I'm sobering up and fuck I should've drink more. I stare at Ella and she mouthed that it's okay. She probably doesn't take this seriously.

I went closer to her and she does the same thing. My lips reached hers and we both move both of our lips in sync, I suck her bottom lip slowly and she does the same thing with my upper lip, they are all cheering up.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1.... Woooohhh" They counted down, they all clap and cheer. I glare at Axel and he winked he also mouthed, I gotchu. I never been so shy before.

"Your face is so red." Ella murmured. I lowered my face, I am so embarrassed. I didn't even know if I kissed her good. Her lips was so soft though. I would kiss it again but not through a dare anymore.

"You did great don't worry." She whisper again, I looked at her and she smiles, reassuring me that I have nothing to be embarrassed.

I told them I'm quitting the game and I need some unwinding stuff, I am so shy that was the first time I ever did that. Frankly speaking I don't really flirt in real life even if how flirty and cheeky I am through my videos in Tiktok, that's not me so they must have mistook me that I have that personality even in real life. I'm missing the time where all I do is lay on the bed and do some reading or watch some movies, I should do that sometime. Since I was outside I check on what time is it and it's almost 10:25 in the evening. I checked my twitter and I spotted Tenshi tweeted so I look it up again.

This is the account she told me that she only use for her personal feelings

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This is the account she told me that she only use for her personal feelings. My heart skipped a beat. Speaking of Tenshi, that girl didn't even sit next to me. I saw her talk to Axel and they both look deadly serious. I should talk to her soon. Maybe this monday I will try and reach out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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