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"Bakugou Katsuki. As of today, the Council of Angels have decided you are banished from the lands and are now one of them." The angel's voice rang out loud and clear in the room. 

A week ago, Katsuki was brought to the chambers. His acts of rebellion against Heaven's beliefs got leaked. Stupid laws, stupid beliefs. Bunch of bullshit. Now, anyone who saw Katsuki would not have immediately thought that he was an angel. Unlike Izuku, who he grew up with, the blonde was not naturally kind, and had this indescribable edge to him. He was rough, yelled frequently... yet supposedly an angel. 

The angel, now a fallen angel. 

A guard tugged on the pair of manacles that bound his hands, hoisting Katsuki to his feet, and dragging him out of the chamber. He decided, if he was to go out like that, might as well go out in style, so, he said, "Council of Angels my ass, only sitting there, prim and proper, creating all these stupid laws and these stupid beliefs. I would want yall to rot in hell... but I doubt even Lucifer wants you there."

A hushed murmur rose in the chamber. No angel ever referred to Satan, the most powerful demon, the one who ruled Hell... by his first name. Lucifer...

"Kacchan! Wait! He's innocent, he-" It was Izuku, the 'perfect' one, actually trying to defend him. It's useless, just give up. I've betrayed the angel laws so bad, nothing will bring me back. At least I finally get a break, Katsuki thought as the chamber doors swung close. 

The fallen angel was surprised, to say the least. He was brought to the edge of Heaven, where the glistening shimmer of magic (to protect them) could be clearly seen. Realisation hit Katsuki hard, and his thoughts were only confirmed when the guard kicked him, forcing him to his knees. 

He was going to be unceremoniously kicked from Heaven, and once he passed the magic barrier, the only way back was from the staircase to Heaven. So this was the price to pay for breaking the angel law. Falling from the sky into the void. 

Katsuki launched himself into the emptiness in front of him, the slightest spark of pain coursing through his back as the magic barrier dissipated his angel wings. 

I am now free, even though death awaits. 


A blanket of warmth enveloped Katsuki, as well as darkness. Complete darkness and utter silence. 

Death is nicer than I thought. I wonder what is the afterlife- oh wait. I'm Fallen now. Guess no peaceful afterlife for me. 

Being the son of the ruler of Hell had its perks. For example, you could go wherever you want, whenever. But this freedom did not stop Shouto from despising his father. It was the fact that his father was not wielding his massive power in a way that Shouto deemed needed. Was torturing these poor souls in Hell really necessary?

Shouto often left Hell during meetings in which people were tortured in front of an audience- usually the richer demons- and if they were lucky, the lesser demons would simply be executed. Shouto shuddered at the thought of his own brother, Dabi, who sat alongside his father, enjoying the gruesome. 

He was wandering aimlessly around the void, the area between the entrance of Hell and the staircase of Heaven, which would eventually lead to Heaven. Numerous demons have tried to walk up the staircase, but without avail. The sins they committed bore them down, and stepping foot on the marble staircase burned. 

As he walked further out into the open terrain, the sickly stench of rotting demons slowly faded. There was no where else to leave the dead, and bodies were scattered around, but Shouto was glad that he was arriving near the Heaven side of the void, where things were more... pleasant. 

Just then, his ears pricked up as a whooshing sound filled his ears. Shouto looked up, seeing a small white speck in the distance, falling...

A fallen angel. 

He instinctively positioned himself approximately where the angel would fall, preparing for the heavy weight that would suddenly knock him back a little. Shouto did not even know why he did that. On the few occasions he heard the telltale whooshing sound, he had not bothered to catch the falling angel. 

However, Shouto had no time to dwell on the matter further as said fallen angel fell into his arms.


After regaining his senses due to the initial shock, Shouto laid the angel down carefully on his lap. He has no wings, Shouto observed. Instead, the angel had two scars running down his back, in the place where angel wings were supposed to be. 

The demon let himself stare at the angel's features- this was the first angel that he had ever seen who was not dead.

He looks pretty. Prettier than anything he'd ever seen. Blonde hair, long eyelashes... And he smelled like caramel.

"Hello?" Shouto called out softly upon seeing the fallen angel stir.

"Fuck-" Katsuki cursed as he sat up too quickly, not only causing him to bump into something, but also sending a wave of nausea through him.

Katsuki immediately lay back down, blinking slowly to allow light back into his eyes. His head hurt, not just from the overwhelming nausea but also from headbutting-

Wait a minute.

Katsuki opened his eyes, only to be greeted with a pair of bicoloured ones staring back at him intently.

"Who the fuck are you?!" the angel said as he shifted into a seating position- more slowly this time- and the realisation that he had been lying on a stanger's lap hit him.

"I saved you when you fell from Heaven." the demon's tone was nonchalant, and that annoyed Katsuki.

Katsuki looked around him, and soon realised he was at the void. The place was... uglier and more barren than expected.

"Who are you? And for the record, I did not need you to save me," Katsuki huffed, taking in the sight of the demon in front of him. Half white half red hair, now that's something new. And the scar...

"I'm Shouto. You know you would have died if I did not catch you... right?" Shouto tilted his head to the side, curiously wondering, are all angels this stupid?

"Of course I know, are you looking down on me?"


"...Quit staring!" Katsuki sounded annoyed, but deep down, he was grateful that a demon, of all people, saved him.

A demon named... Shouto?

Katsuki's past lessons came flashing back through his mind, and he instantly flinched back from the demon, taking up a protective stance.

Shouto is the son of  the ruler of Hell himself. Fuck, I'm so dead- he is probably thinking of how to torture me as we speak. I gotta get outta here now-

"You ok?"

Fuck, what do I do what do I fucking do?!

"Relax, fallen angel. I won't attack you. Or torture you, in any way." Shouto said, a smile ghosting his face.


"Yea, I can read minds. I promise I never intruded on your other thoughts though!"

Katsuki simply rolled his eyes. His body slumped in defeat. There is no way I would be able to beat a demon anyways, might as well make the best out of it.

"Fallen angel, what is your name?"


"Well, Katsuki, wanna go back to Hell with me?"


Hope you enjoyed! I really liked this idea and I'm really proud of this storyline as well as the fact I finished writing it in 2 days!! May or may not write part 2.


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