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We were sitting and waiting for Emil to show up on the back of a truck. And I couldn't help but be worried.
'What if this doesn't work? What if we lose him completely?'
"You think this will work?" Teddy asked making me look up at him to see he held the same worried look as me.
"Yeah I do. It has to." I told knowing I was saying it to also convince myself.
"You know despite all I said today. I'm really glad you are my sister Ash." He told making me give him a smile.
"And you are a good brother Teddy." I told Nanking him smile as well.
'I really hope I don't lose him once again. I wouldn't know what to do if that was the case.'
Soon Emil and Rafael rushed into the parking lot and we watched as Emil fan boys. He walked over and talked to Stank man and Daryl and the aftermath of it. Once he was back to where he was before Stank man and Daryl began to record for their livestream.
"What up, Stank Nation! Before we get started, quick shout-out to the little dude and little dudette who hooked us up with this sweet piece of pavement....." Stank man began before raising his hand to read the names, but got confused so he showed Daryl who read them out.
"Toddy Jockscone and Ashline Weiner Jockscone."
Teddy shook his head a bit before speaking.
"Close enough."
"Sad that, that is true." I told
We got off of the back of the pick up and walked over to Emil and Rafael.
"Teddy, you did all of this for me? But you hate this kind of thing." Emil told
"Yeah, but I know you're kinda obsessed with Stank man & Daryl...."
"I'm positive they are almost the sole reason he wanted to come go American." I told cutting him off.
"I had a whole conversation with them earlier!" He told with the biggest smile he had.
"That's so cute how you've become excited this quickly." I told before realising I was still upset about what happened earlier.
"Look, I know I haven't put a lot of effort into our friendship, but... I hope this is a good start." Teddy told
Rafael placed a hand on Emils shoulder and pulled him back a bit away from us before speaking.
"Too little too late, old friend and girl who I know, is apart of the reason Teddy stopped sending those letters. He's already got a new bestie, and guess who?" He said before covering his own face to do a part. "Oh, who is it? Oh, who is it? It's Rafa!" He told as he uncovered his face.
"For starters. I didn't stop Teddy from sending letters. I actually tried to get him to send you letters."
"It's true. She did do that."
"Oh my gosh, my two best bro's fighting over me..."
"Stay out of this, Emil." Rafael told
"I'm not losing another friend because of you, Teddy. And I certainly won't let you get in the way of our friendship Ash. You hear me? No más!"
"I think I have decided. I am going to as they say, throw hands." I told making him take a small step away from me before I realised. "That's why you are a very disgusting yellow. It's because your a mix of Red and Green."
"Dude, are you okay?" Teddy asked
"Oh I'm better than okay! I just chugged a sixer of Spuz cola, and now I'm jacked up on friendship!"
"I think you've mistaken friendship for heart failure."
"Brainstorm. How 'bout you and me do the 'runs' to see who gets to be Emils best friend?"
"That's not gonna prove anything. Right, Emil?"
"It wouldn't hurt." Emil told
I gave him a upset look at what he said as he gave me a confused one.
"Emil you can not be serious right now?" I questioned.
"But it wouldn't." He told making me turn my back towards him.
'I can not believe this.'
Before he could say anything about my response, Rafael screamed and ran off towards the course as Teddy followed. I watched as they put their goggles and helmets on, before Rafael dove head first into the Relish.
'Wow this is truely gross.'
"Whoa! We got two super fans goin' rogue!" Stank man announced.
The crowd cheered and Teddy soon went into the relish and it was obvious that he was behind.
"Other dude's cruisin' through 'Relish River'!" Stank man announced.
"Ashley what is wrong?"
"We did this for you. And you are making Teddy go through this disgusting thing to prove how much his friendship with you means? Next you'll say I also have to go through this to prove just how much our relationship means to me."
"Ashley, I have no idea what you are on about."
"This whole thing was to show you that your friendship wasn't one sided. But you've made him have to prove it. Isn't this whole thing proof enough?!"
"Of course this was enough. I just wanted to see him go through it."
"You Maxemil are so terrible right now. Just like those village children were to me, all those years ago."
"Those village children were mean to you and excluded you from what they did. I have never once excluded you from anything Ashley."
"Why don't you throw a scoober with Rafa?" I asked.
He gave me a confused look till his eyes went wide and he covered his mouth from shock.
"Ashley, I did not mean to exclude you from it."
"But you did. You promised to never do what those kids did, yet you did that. The whole reason of us being as close as we are, is because we made sure the other didn't feel left out. But you left me. And if that's how you'll treat me in a relationship then I don't want to be in one with you." I told before turning my back towards him again.
"Oh, he made it across the Lago Del Queso!" Stank man announced
"And he didn't hit an airbag." Daryl added
"Airbag?" I questioned just before Teddy jumped and set one off.
He went flying into the air making me jump, having Emil wrap his arms around me as Teddy landed on the ground besides the pool.
'I do hope he is ok.'
"Ashley, I do not want to break up."
"Neither do I. But I can not be in a relationship with someone who treats me like that Emil." I told as I got out of his arm.
He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me so I spun around into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me again and cupped my face, making me have to fight wanting to lean into his touch.
"Ashley. I am tremendously sorry for what I have caused. I could not live with myself if I couldn't fix our relationship. Please, let me make it up to you."
"Only for you to do it again?"
"Never. Because you are the one good thing that's been constant in my life.... minus when we lost touch. And I hate myself more then you could ever hate me for hurting you. Please Ashley. Allow me to fix this."
"Why should I?"
"I would give my kingdom and all the money I have away, for you. I would go to the most dangerous places in the whole world for you. I would give you the whole world if I could, if you so asked."
"What if I wanted the moon?"
"Then I'll get you the moon somehow. I'll even buy a star if that's what you wanted. I would do anything for you if you so ask me to."
"Why should I believe all that?"
"Because you already own the one thing no one else will ever be able to own."
"What is that?"
"My heart Ashley. You own my whole heart...."
"Emil....." I began as I felt the tears in my eyes begin to form.
He took my hand and placed it over where his heart is and held his hand over it before he began to speak again.
"You own my heart and that's all because I love you. I've always loved you Ashley and I'll never stop loving you." He told as tears began to form in his eyes as well. "All I can hope for, is that you will be able to love me back."
I took my hand out from under his making him give a hurt look.
"Emil..... you know none of that stuff means anything to me. The only thing that matters is that, we love each other for who we are and not our status. Because I love you as well and I haven't stopped." I told
He began to smile before picking me up to spin me around a couple of times. He put me down and pulled me back into his arms before cupping my face.
"You make me the happiest person in the whole world Ashley."
"As do you."
He pulled me into a kiss and I could tell we both were happy. I pulled away from him and saw he got a small pout on his features making me smile.
"Were you serious about doing anything that I asked?"
"Making you happy is apart of the job description of being with you. So I will try to make you happy as best as I can."
"There is one thing you can do for me Emil."
"Of course."
"Help Teddy." I told making him smile
He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before running to help Teddy out.
'Finally. They are back to being friends.'
Emil jumped in besides Teddy and began to help him climb the mountain.
"Plot twister! Looks like Toddy's got a little helper. Is that cheating?" Stank man asked
"I dunno." Daryl told
Emil kept pushing him till they were at the same level as Rafael. Rafael said a few things before jumping to attack them only to miss and slip to the bottom of the mountain.
Emil and Teddy continued to fight their way up till they reached the top and rang the bell making me jump and scream for their victory with everyone else.
"They did it! They did the impossible! They crushed 'Barbecue Mountain'!" Stank man exclaimed only for Daryl to question it as he suddenly had a corn dog.
'I want a corn dog now.'
They took their goggles off and began to talk to one another. I covered my mouth when I saw Teddy get on one knee and I was excited to see it was coming full circle. They shared a bro hug before sliding back down the mountain and took their helmets off before heading towards me.
"You two are completely filthy."
"Come give us a hug Ash." Teddy told as he opened his arms to hug me.
"I'll wait till you are clean to do that."
"No Ashley, I think Teddy is right. Why wait on hugging, when we can do it now." Emil told making me take steps back.
"I feel like I'm going to have to run." I told
They began to run after me, making me run away. We were all laugh as I kept avoiding them only for them to soon corner me. Once they were able to they began to hug me as I continued to laugh.
"This surely can not be 100% healthy."
"Yeah I think I heard one of them say that one of them were from the 90s?" Teddy questioned making us nod.
"This is really gross, I hope you boys know." I told making them smile.
"You are still beautiful to me though." Emil told making me smile a bit.
"Don't start kissing while I'm hugging you guys."
"How about it Ashley? A victory kiss?" Emil asked making Teddy instantly pull away and us laugh.
"For payback of doing this. Not for the longest time."
"I'll have to think of ways to make it up to you dear Ashley." He told before kissing my cheek.
"Come on you two. We gonna get hosed in the parking lot before we can go inside ever again." I told as I threw my arms over their shoulders.
"Do you think Regina will actually hose us?" Emil questioned.
"Oh I think she definitely will." Teddy told
"She wouldn't want us to ruing the rugs." I added making us laugh.
'We can only go up from here.'

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