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Teddy opened the door for us to all walk into school together. Emil offered for me to go first but I shook my head and hid behind Teddy.
'I can't believe I'm this shy....wait no, I'm shy because he is a prince!'
He walked in with me and Teddy following after him. He was looking around really excited which made sense since he only knew of a palace life before hand.
"This is everything I have dreamed of!" Emil exclaimed.
"Really, you have some pretty sad dreams." Teddy told.
I gave his sleeve another tug before whispering that I'm going to head to my locker.
"Ok well, I see ya later Ash." He told as we waved bye to each other.
'Now that I'm away from him I can speak to people.'
I got the things that I needed and put them in my tote bag I use for class and turned to see Teddy and Emil talking. I looked past them and saw Sydney walking which I gave her a wave when she saw me and did the same. I saw Teddy go to wave only to realise it wasn't for him.
'Feel bad.'
She walked over to me and gave me a hug when she was close enough.
"How was your day yesterday?"
"Strange to say the least." I told as I closed my locker and moved towards the poster for the piggy spank.
"Also who is the dude next to Teddy?"
"That's the foreign exchange student that's staying with us for the year."
I looked over at him to see he was acting like a bird before rushing to walk over to us.
"No, Grouse off! Grouse off!" Teddy exclaimed making me feel bad for him.
'He probably didn't want Emil to talk to Sydney. That boy and his crush.'
He came to a stop in front of us and I went fishing for a pen and notepad so I can just write without having to worry about him hearing my voice.
"Hello and hello again Ashley."
I gave a simple nod before Sydney spoke.
"Has he not heard you speak."
I wrote a quick no on the notepad making her smile more.
"You and your shyness."
'More to do with the fact that we are from the same country and he is the prince of it but I can't tell you that.'
"I am Emil. Would you like to get friendly with me?" He asked making me quickly write down what he meant on the notepad.
"Uh.....what?" Sydney said making sure to back away slightly.
I gave her my note pad which she read out loud.
"'He means being friends.' Oh that's makes more sense." She told giving me the pad back.
'This is going to be difficult.'
"I am new to your school and was hoping to make some friends and enjoy some fun local activities." He told with a smile.
"Well I heard there's gonna be a Piggy Spank this weekend." Sydney told making me nod along.
"The Piggy Spank!... Yes I love the Piggy Spank! What is the Piggy Spank?"
"It's this huge party that they hold every year down at the lake. Kids race down a ramp and take a swing at a piñata." Sydney explained.
"Piñatas, ramp...text Chad for info. This looks like the greatest event in human history of the universe!" He exclaimed as he looked over at us.
'For a prince he surely doesn't act like it.'
"I could even build my own cart! Would the two of you go to this...Piggy Spanking with me? I would ask my friend over there...but I think he would rather stay in his room and play with himself." He told making me go wide eye and quickly write Robots.
"Thank you." She told me as I gave a quick nod. "Well my mums would hate the idea...Let's do it. All three of us, we are in." Sydney told making me go to write something only to be stopped.
'I hate you.'
"Wonderful. I will text Chad for info." He told.
He looked back at me and gave a smile which I returned with a crooked one before running off. Sydney quickly rushed after me and pulled me to a stop when she got ahold of my arm.
"Ash, what was that about?"
"I don't know! Ever since I met him I can not form a simple sentence in front of him."
"Do you have a crush on him?!"
"No! Certainly not! My shyness has just been really acting up and my accent is not the greatest right now."
"Seems more prominent at the moment." She told
"Yes well I've been watching all news articles from my home country which is very helpful."
"Look maybe try speaking in front of him even if it's not to him. Could help."
"I have tried but I can only do it if I whisper it into someone's ear. I hate being shy."
"It's not your fault Ash. Maybe at the Piggy Spank you'll be relaxed enough to finally speak in front of him."
'I don't think I will though.'
"Well I gotta head to class so I will see you later." She told giving me another hug before walking off.
I let out a sigh before walking off to my own class.
'This is going to be troublesome. He will surely know I'm from Buronia once he hears my voice and that could be troublesome for the both of us.'

The girl from Buronia Where stories live. Discover now