high speed ─ s. reid

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dr spencer reid x reader.

"I hate this." You screeched as Morgan took a sharp turn.

The three of you were currently involved in a high speed car chase and the unsubs were fucking shooting at you with loaded AK's.

"Just shut up and shoot Y/N!" Morgan shouted as he accelerated the car, going as fast as he could in an effort to get close enough for either you or Spencer to get a good shot.

Spencer had his little Smith and Wesson, which wouldn't do him any good right now, but you, on the other hand, had a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle, and you were definitely not afraid to use it. You leaned out the window as you aimed at the unsubs, firing as many rounds as you could as they shot at you.

"Morgan, you gotta get closer." You shouted as you fell back into your seat, a bullet just narrowly missing you as you did.

Spencer looked absolutely terrified as he stuck his head and arms out his window and started shooting—but as previously stated, his revolver wasn't going to be of much help.

"I'm trying but look at what they're driving!" Morgan shoved his hand towards the black c63 the unsub was driving.

"How do unsubs even get the money to buy cars like that?" You muttered as you reloaded. "Surely they'd rather invest in torture devices and what not." You carried on as you aggressively shoved the reloaded magazine into your gun, getting ready to go back and shoot them.

Morgan was slowly inching closer to them as you continuously squeezed down on the trigger, sending a spray of bullets straight at them. By chance, once hit their back tire and they started swerving dangerously on the road, slowing down slightly as they tried to avoid other cars.

This apparently gave one of the unsubs a good vantage point to aim their fucking automatic weapon at you, and before you knew it, a bullet had deeply grazed your arm, a searing pain and flurry of expletives tumbling past your lips. You didn't stop shooting, though and eventually you shot the other back tire after you'd leaned your whole body out the window. This caused the unsubs car to crash and you fell back into your seat just in time for Morgan to speed straight into the unsubs tail-end, crashing into them as well.

You were trying to listen to what Spencer was saying when the impact happened, to the side of your face had flown forward and hit your gun, leaving what felt like a nasty cut on your cheek.

"For fucks sake!" You yelled as you saw one of the unsubs limp out of the car.

You hopped out the now ruined black Suburban with Spencer and Morgan following close behind as you grabbed your AR-15 and aimed it at the escaping unsub.

"FBI." You shouted as he pointed his gun at you. "Put your fucking hands up buddy."

You took out your Glock 19 from its holster and aimed it at him. Apparently the dumbass wasn't finished because he held tighter on his AK-47 and was about to pull the trigger when you shot him with your glock in the shoulder, causing him to drop his gun and clutch his shoulder in pain. You watched as Morgan ran to him and cuffed him and Spencer did the same with the driver, who had slowly begun to regain consciousness.

You finally got a chance to take a breather and you walked over to the Suburban, leaning against the side of it as you checked your wounds. Your cheek was bleeding quite extensively and your arm hurt so much—you guessed you weren't paying attention to it when you were trying to stop the unsubs, but now that they had been stopped, the adrenaline was wearing off.

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