newbies one and two ─ l. alvez

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ssa luke alvez x reader.
requested by: -mcmahon

"Newbie one and newbie two! So glad I caught up with you." Penelope panted as she raced towards you and Luke.

You laughed as you stopped walking, you and Luke were making your way slowly to the elevator while sipping on coffees and chatting before Penelope caught up with you.

"Why are we newbie one and two again?" Luke inquired, a smile tugging onto his pink lips.

Penelope grinned, "Because Emily and JJ are already thing one and thing two. Not that they know." She whispered the last part and you laughed.

"So, what's up?" You asked her.

"Just wandering whether you two wanted to join the team for drinks tonight. We're all going to Rossi's." She smiled hopefully at you.

Luke sighed, looking down at you before up at Penelope. "Sorry Garcia, me and Roxy are having girls night."

You laughed and shook your head, "I would love to, but I booked tickets to the opera like a month ago. No date, before you ask." Penelope pouted. "Just going by myself."

"Okay. Well you two have fun, what with your fake girls night and definitely real opera. See you Monday!" She sung and skipped off, leaving you and Luke alone.

Luke watched her leave and turned to you, a funny look on his face. "She definitely knows."

You giggled as the both of you resumed walking to the elevator. "Yup."

"What time are you coming over?" He asked you.

"Uh, now? I have clothes at your place anyway, plus I took the subway with Spencer this morning, so I'm stealing your car too."

Luke laughed as the elevator doors opened and he let you walk out first before following you, slinging his arm over your shoulders as you walked out into the freezing cold that was Virginia during winter. The two of you ran to his car, you jumping in the passenger seat as Luke got in next to you, placing the still hot but almost empty cups of coffee in the coffee holders in the car.

"I know today's a difficult day for you, so if you don't want to do our usual thing, then I get it." He said softly as he backed out of the parking, stretching his hand over to hold the back of your seat as he looked behind us.

Your eyes widened as you watched him, composing yourself almost immediately as he turned to face you, a pretty smile on his face.

You cleared your throat, looking down at your hands. "It's fine. But maybe instead of watching our usuals, we could watch my dads favorite movie."

"Sure." Luke nodded. "That would be?"

You smiled as you remembered every time your dad would put on that movie. "A Hard Days Night. Literally starring the Beatles. Every time I watched it with him, it made no sense, but it's funny. I guess it was his comfort movie, especially before he passed." You said sadly.

"Hey." Luke reached over and grabbed your hand in his, now gripping the steering wheel with only one hand. "Then we'll watch that, okay? Your dad would want you to be happy."

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