blossoming flowers ─ d. morgan

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ssa derek morgan x reader au.

for every injury your soulmate received would be presented on your body in the form of flowers blooming at that place.

tw: mentions of blood, physical and sexual abuse.

Derek Morgan walked into the BAU bright and early, ready for the full day of paperwork ahead of him. Sure, he thought paperwork was absolutely boring and often did it as fast as he could so he could relax until the day was over, but it was a break from cases and he needed that once in a while.

Today was a day like any other. Derek met Spencer at his desk and ruffled his hair, to which Spencer replied with a whine and followed with a whole half an hour of trying to fix his hair. He waved a good morning at JJ and Emily and nodded at Hotch and Rossi, who were usually at the door of one of their offices, talking about something.

He'd visit Penelope straight after, showering her with the usual affection and compliments.

"She's a clumsy one, huh?" Penelope smiled as she looked down at Morgan's hands.

Derek followed her gaze and smiled hesitantly down at the tiny rows of flowers that he assumed were paper cuts, littered over her fingers.

"Oh, yeah." He shot her a half smile and said goodbye and left, feeling overly self conscious about the patches of flowers on his chest and thighs.

He didn't know what his soulmate went through, but whatever it was, he had this overwhelming urge to protect her from it. Which is why he had been trying to find her.

The flowers had started blossoming more frequently on her abdomen a couple months ago, four to be exact. He didn't know exactly what to think when a large, bruise shaped patch of flowers appeared on his ribs one morning, or the next day when he was staring in the mirror and running his fingers deftly over the patches of flowers on his upper thighs.

From there on next, there'd be a new patch almost every two days, on his stomach, his neck, his legs or his arms.

He really needed to find her.

He was fiddling with a pencil at his desk while he inspected the tiny flowers on his fingers, smiling softly as he thought of how cute his soulmate would be after she got a paper cut. At least one of her flower patches brought a smile to his face, let him think about her clumsiness rather than her bruises and cuts.

His head shot up when he heard Hotch clear his throat, a serious look on his face. Derek's face fell when he realized what that look meant.

"We have a case, round table in five." He said curtly and then walked away.

Spencer watched as Derek ran his fingers of the tiny row of flower on his middle finger, looking sadly down at it. His hand travelled down to the side of his abdomen and he rubbed it lightly. Spencer furrowed his brows as he watched Derek look down at his side before sighing dejectedly and standing up, walking to the conference room.

"You've noticed the flowers, right?" Spencer whispered at Emily, who was also making her way to the round table.

Emily stopped and waited for Spencer to catch up with her. "I know he's trying to find her."

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