bulletproof ─ m. simmons

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ssa matthew simmons x reader au.
[ obviously matt isn't married with kids ]

prompt —
you live in a world where your soulmate is unable to hurt you, intentionally or otherwise. you are fighting in a war, when one of the enemy's knives harmlessly glances off you.

The team gathered around the round table as Garcia stood up and started to present the case.

"Uh," she pushed her glasses gently up the bridge of her nose. "There is a spree killer on the loose in Maryland. The unsub has killed five people in the last three days, and they don't appear to be stopping."

Prentiss nodded and turned to the team. "Local PD suspects that the unsub will have killed at least two new victims by the end of the day, which is why we're on the first flight to Maryland. Wheels up in twenty."

The team dispersed and Luke caught up with Matt as they went to grab their go-bags from under their desks.

"Hey, how'd your date with, what was her name? Louise?" Luke asked as he sat on top of Matt's desk while he was getting his stuff.

Matt chuckled as he looked up at Luke, "Lana, and it went okay, I guess."

"No second date then?" Luke grinned.

Matt shook his head, "I don't think she was the one. Maybe next time." He patted Luke's shoulder.

Luke shook his head and then had a thought, "You ever wonder about whether we're going to actually find our so called soulmates. Whether the rumors are true?"

Matt shrugged, "You have to intentionally try to harm them in order to find them, it makes no sense. I don't really believe in that anyway."

Luke nodded, "You have a point."


"But wouldn't finding your soulmate be like the perfect fit. I mean, they're your soulmate—you're basically bound together whether you know it or not and you are genetically wired to love them fully and them only." Luke replied.

Matt tilted his head to the side as he thought about it. "I guess it would be nice to find our soulmates. But I only wish there was a better way to do it."

Luke laughed as him and Matt started making their way out of the unit and to the car park, they needed to get to the air strip.

"You heard about how the Jone's from joint-terrorism found out they were soulmates?" Luke spoke as Matt drove the both of them to the jet.


"Well, they had been parters for a couple years and one day, they were doing a training exercise with knives or something and Ken accidentally stabbed Paige with the knife, and instead of it actually stabbing her it kind of just bounced of her skin." Luke told Matt.

"That's actually pretty neat. I didn't really believe in the whole 'you can't injure your soulmate' until I heard about them." Matt replied.

Luke nodded, "They were extremely lucky. Sometimes soulmates are halfway across the world from each other and they'll never know."

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