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She made her way upstairs before jumping onto her bed. She grabbed one of her Nessie plushies and smiled. She had so much fun and she was excited to see where this friendship went. She was so excited in fact that she began to kick her legs up and down. She quickly sat up and walked over to her desk. She pulled out a piece of paper and began to make a small sketch of him. She let out a happy sigh. After finishing the sketch she put it in a drawer and smiled. She walked over to her window and stared out of it. She listened to the birds singing and the sound of the wind blowing the trees.
She quietly said. She was acting like a lovestruck puppy without even realizing it! She enjoyed the feeling though, she never really talked to anyone other than herself or Caustic so it was new to her. She didn't know what these feelings were, or even how to describe them, but she was determined to find a way.

After they said their goodbyes octane went back home. He had go and relax after that. He felt like he had a knot in his stomach and he felt like he was going to puke. He enjoyed her company very much, even if they had only met the other day. He let out a sigh, he tried to clear his mind with an adrenaline shot but it didn't help. After arriving home he went around the corner of the house and climbed into his room via window. He walked over to his bed and fell face first into it before letting out a groan. He got on top of his sheets, not even bothering to take off his legs. He lied there twitching every so often but he was still very quiet and motionless. Lifeline had been calling for him for almost ten minutes straight before barging into his room.
"Where the hell have yuh been? I've been looking all over for yuh!"
She asked before realizing that he was just lying there staring at the ceiling.
"What on Olympus are you doin'?"
She asked him with a raised brow, she had never seen him like this before, it was generally concerning.
"Well when you're done doing..whatever your doing, come out here, we've got guests!"
She said before walking away and into the living room.
He turned his head to the direction of the open door.
"Could it be?.."
Deep down he desperately hoped it was her but a part of him knew it wasn't. He speed walked his way over to the dining room. He was surprised to see two very unfamiliar faces on his couch.
"What the infierno?"

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