Draco Malfoy

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Stuck With You

By Me.

" Watch it! " Y/n snapped as she got knocked into her shoulder by someone. She turned to glare at the person, scoffing as she found none other than Draco Malfoy, sneering at her.

" You watch where you are going, L/n. " He steps closer threateningly and Y/n rolled her eyes. " Fuck off! " She says flipping her hair and walkig away.

" You're stoked! " Theodore Nott from beside him laughed and Draco shot him a glare before turning on his heels.

Y/n L/n and Draco Malfoy hated each other, not a single soul in the school wasn't aware of their quarrels. The two simply couldn't stand each other.

Both were Slytherins, and Draco hated the fact that she was called Slytherin Princess. Everyone respected her as much as he earned, and everyone was scared of her as much as they were scared of him.

He wouldn't dare admit she is of course, beautiful and he's got the hots for her. She was simply attractive, and he couldn't have helped it like many other boys and probably girls.

It was night time after dinner, he entered the common room and spotted the girl sitting by the fire. She was writing something furiously on a parchment, her hair covering her face like a curtain and she biting her lower lip.

She always did that, and Draco hated the fact that he loved it. A smirk formed on his lips and he stroked towards her and snatched the parchment from the table.

" Hey! " Y/n stood up, pushing the chair aside. " Aha! Writing a letter to dear mom? " He teases as he reads thr first few letters.

" Give it back! " Y/n tried to reach it but he only held it higher. " Don't read it, Malfoy! "

She crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently as she glared at him.

She was glad she didn't put anything about him this time. Or everytime she had written a letter to her mother, she always complained about him.

Deep down, she knew she was head over heels for the Slytherin Prince, and the fact that he was undeniably hot even when he was angry or that stupid smirk he wears everytime he teases her didn't help her either.

Draco smirked at her before averting his gaze to the letter, his face fell. " I thought you were writing about me?! "

Y/n rolled her eyes and snatched it,
" Not everything revolves
around you! " She smirked and took her quill, signing the letter and folding it close.

" Everything is about me. You just haven't realised it, yet. Sweetheart. "
Y/n whipped around from the window she was standing by.

" Don't. Call. Me. That. " She glares at him and Draco chuckled. " Sure, sweetheart. I won't. " Y/n gazed back at the window and spotted her barn owl perching on the window sill.

" Hello, Love. Take this to mother. " She cooed, scratching it's head and watched as it flew away. " You're gonna go back home tomorrow. Why are you writing a letter? " Draco was right behind her now, his hot breath hitting her neck.

She went still for a second before turning around. Draco smirked down at her and Y/n raised an eyebrow.

" Just needed to. Can I ask why you want to know that? " She crossed her arms, tilting her head.

" Just wondering. " He whispers. That was the first time he had been in this close proximity with her and hadn't given up yet.

" Keep wondering. Night. " Y/n says, swiftly pushing him back and making her way up the stairs.

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