Pasta Night

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I woke up to make dinner, I had missed lunch and so had Mark. He was obviously passed out or I would have been awake. I pull the blanket back and yawn as I trudge down the stairs. I start cooking some pasta and sauce and the room is quiet. I have this odd feeling of fear and relief. I silently stir the sauce so that I can hear even the smallest pin drop. I have pretty good hearing, I guess I have to after all these months of relying on it for safety. I hear a rustle of bottles falling off and smashing and I jump slightly...he's awake. I concentrate on the pasta making sure it's ready to serve in a seconds notice.

"Lily?" Mark yells out drunkly. "Yes Mark" Lily replies. "What time is it?" He asks. "5:46" Lily replies cringing at what he will say. "Why didn't you wake me up for lunch huh?" Mark asked coming into the kitchen. "Thought you would sneak out to school, didn't you?" Mark asked waving a bottle around. "No, I promise I was cleaning than I fell asleep I'm so sorry" Lily replied stepping away from the pot of pasta. "Don't lie to me" Mark yelled throwing the bottle at Lily. Lily felt the individual blades stab her all over her shoulders and arm, but she didn't give him the satisfaction of a scream. She breathed in sharply trying to ignore the pain. "Where did you go?!" Mark yelled clasping his arms around her neck and pushing her into the fridge. "No where I promise" Lily pleaded feeling the glass dig deeper and deeper into her back. "Whatever suit yourself" Mark said letting go of Lily. Lily gasped trying to get air back in. Mark pulled back his arm and aimed hardly at Lily's eye. Lily bit her lip til it bled as she felt the pain numb her face. She stood still knowing that any sudden movement would lead to more punishment. Mark stood there for awhile watching her. Lily squeezed her eyes shut as she felt blood drip down her back. Mark looked at her and hit her one more time before grabbing another beer and heading back to the TV. "Bring me some dinner useless" He yelled. Lily grabbed a bowl cringing as she moved her shoulders to grab a bowl and  bitting her lip as she poured the pasta into the bowl, moving her arm more. She walked slowly to mark and sat the pasta down in front of him. She backed away slowly until he was completely unaware she was there anymore. Lily rushed upstairs and ran to  her bathroom locking the door behind her. She burst into tears as she saw her blooded face and red stained shirt. She pulled of her t-shirt and examined her back. It looked like someone had aimed at her like a dartboard with pieces of glass. Lily bit he lip as she pulled the glass out of her back one by one. She placed the bloodied glasses on the bench and turned on the shower to wash the blood off. Lily screamed as the cold water hit her injured back. She took a deep breath and exhaled as she watched the red water float into the drain. 

The water dripped on her window, like the tears on her bruised face. Lily would need to use twice the amount of make up to cover these wounds. They had swimming practise tomorrow at school and there was no way she was swimming looking like this. So she wrote a note explaining she was to sick to participate and faked Mark's signature. Lily folded the paper up and put it in her schoolbag. She opened up her laptop to check her emails again, James had replied an hr ago:

Hey Lily,

Glad to hear you're okay :) I'll see you tomorrow,

From James

A small smile spread across Lily's face, he was so sweet. 'Stop everyone will hurt you! He can't be trusted' her mind yelled at her. Lily closed her laptop and slid it under her bed. She climbed into bed and flicked of the light switch. Her clocked clicked to 11:11 and Lily shut her eyes as she wishing for a pain free day tomorrow. 

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