Day 2

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The alarm buzzed loudly at 7am. Lily shut off her alarm and pulled on her jeans and jumper she had layed out the night before. She tied to knots in her shoelaces as her hands shook scared if she would make it out in time. She slipped on her five layers of make up and grabbed her bag. Her sneakers tapped the stairs quietly as she tiptoed down. She grabbed an apple and went to open the door when she heard someone move towards her. The door clicked as Lily let go of it and turned around slowly. "Oh Lily you grew up so fast" Mark smiled. "You look just like your mother" Lily's hands tightened into fists. "You are pretty Lily, pretty ugly" Mark laughed slapping his knee and pointing at her. "Your hair is shocking, who could love you? You're so ugly and stupid" Mark said as tears streamed down Lily's face. "Ahhhh, so weak just like your mother" Mark chuckled. "Don't say that about her!" Lily yelled as she hit Mark in the shoulder, but Mark was too quick for her. He grabbed her arm and kicked her in the stomach. Lily doubled over as the pain exploded through her body. "Don't tell me what to say useless" Mark said pushing her to the floor and walking back to the TV. Lily got up slowly and watched him turn away. The door handle turned in her hand as she opened the door. Lily pulled it open quickly, locking it behind her and running as fast as she could towards school. 

School was raging with people again with girls sharing lip gloss and guys running gel through their hair smugly. Lily rolled her eyes as she walked past everyone quickly to get to her locker unnoticed. The lock clicked as she entered her code and pulled her locker open. Lily found her books for first period and cringed as she held them in her sore arms. 'I can do it' she told herself. Lily shut her locker and walked to the science room. She sat down quietly at her desk as everyone else pilled in chatting. "Hey how you feeling?" James asked cheerfully sitting down next to Lily."Oh um good thanks" She replied looking down at her book. James got out his books and Lily flicked through the pages of her book. Her hair fell in front of her eyes and she tucked it behind her ear. "What happened to your face?" James asked. Lily looked at James confused watching his shocked face. 'Oh crap' she thought to herself. I forgot to clean that up. "Was pushed into the lockers" Lily lied quietly.  "Why?" James questioned. Lily looked out the window replaying this mornings events in her head. "Here's what I found last night" Lily said coming back to her senses and opening her book. She saw James look at her, but she ignored it. Class continued quietly. Lily and James worked in silence, but every now and than James would look over at Lil'y's bruised face. 

Lily grabbed her apple and sat down at the back of the cafeteria where no one came. She hid behind the wall so no one would find her and she could be safe alone. "This looks ahh.... cozy?" Lily jumped as James sat down next to her. She started at him with big eyes. "I'm sorry, do you want my lunch, I I can give you my homework, I'm sorry" Lily said backing away shaking. James looked at her with caring eyes. "Lily I'm not like them, I'm your friend okay you can trust me" James said holding out his cookies to her. "You can take them, I didn't bake them I swear" He laughed. Lily looked up into his eyes. They looked so inviting, so warm, so 'you can't trust him' Lily scolded herself. "No thank you" Lily said moving back towards him. "Suit yourself than I guess I'll just have to enjoy their chocolatey goodness" James smiled taking a bite. "Mmmmm they are good, it's a shame you don't want any they are sooo good". Lily laughed as James winked at her. She bit into her apple and smiled at him. 

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