A quick message

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To those reading this book or waiting for another chapter since I didn't update last Sunday, I'm having a break. Last Saturday (Halloween) I posted a Halloween special. That same Saturday I got some news which wasn't good news. I am still trying to deal with what happened and trying to recover from what I was told. Due to this I may be off for a while.

Keep in mind I am not discontinuing this book what so ever!

When I eventually come back I will post chapter 19 on a Sunday. After I come back I will go back to posting every other Sunday like normal.

Again, I am not discontinuing this book!

The Halloween special has been taken down now since it has been nearly a week after Halloween so there is no need for it to be up anymore.

I hope you can all understand why I'm going on this break, and I can't wait to come back. I can't write in this mental state so I don't want to continue till I feel I am in the right mental state.

Although before I go I'm gonna give out the winners of this weeks best reading list names! There were a couple that made me laugh so I have a couple winners. (All emojis used are ones from the actual titles!)

weeb_or_just_gay - 🥦 All them deku's 🥦
17ksalsano - My mafia obsession 😂😂
theh0lyfand0ms_63 - The holy fandoms wink wink
banana842 - ooooh, villains and mafias!
And my all time favorite(s):
AkataneSizzybkdk - I have found GOLD 💅, along with: I LOVE THIS AUTHOR 💕 and Books I read that not even my parents know I'm reading 😂

I'll see you all when I come back!

Stay safe out there my little villains!

If you wanna keep up with me while I'm on break here's my socials and yt channel:
Instagram: ig_draw_pillzbee
Discord: Pillzbee #3585
Yt Channel: Pillz_bee
(I'm in the process of a mha video at the moment)

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