One Step Closer

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Mizuki was frantically running around her apartment getting ready to leave.

"Fuck, fuck!" She mumbled as she hopped on one foot trying to pull on a pair of jeans. She quickly threw on a shirt before grabbing her bag and leaving her apartment. She rushed down the stairs and made her way towards the front gates.

Over the last two months she had made significant progress in recovering her memory, all thanks to the man she was currently on her way to see. It wasn't completely back to normal because she still felt an intense throbbing in her head whenever she was around Kakashi. She didn't tell anyone about that though. She noticed that whenever she told Kakashi and Tsunade that she remembered something, they would always tense up. Despite knowing that there was something he probably didn't want her to remember, he still went out of his way to help her recover; something she was grateful for.

She was actually on her way to meet him at the gates. Yesterday he stopped by her apartment to tell her he was going to take her somewhere special today, a place that he promised she loved. She saw him leaning against the gates, nose buried in his orange book. She shook her head in amusement, it still amazed her that such a respected man in the shinobi world would openly read that perverted literature in public.

Kakashi glanced over the edge of his book to see Mizuki walking towards him with a small smile on her face. He closed his book and slipped it into his pocket.

"Good morning." He greeted.

"Morning." She responded, her smile widening.

"Here." Kakashi said, holding a little brown paper bag in front of her. Mizuki tilted her head to the side, somewhat confused but accepted the bag nonetheless. She opened it and peaked inside, delighted to find a few delicious looking pastries.

"It's early, I wasn't sure if you had time to eat." He explained.

"Thank you." She replied softly. She took a happy bite of the food.

"So where exactly are you taking me?" She asked as they strolled through the forest.

Kakashi gave her a sidelong glance. "You'll see."

Mizuki frowned at his answer. "Will it help me with my memory?" She asked quietly. There was a long pregnant pause before Kakashi answered her.

"That is my intention." Kakashi kept his eyes firmly on the path in front of them. Every step he took made his apprehension rise. He did his best to put aside his worries and fears to help her regain her memory but was different, he couldn't push those feelings to bay anymore. He attributed this lack of control to the fact that the place he was taking her to had the most potential to trigger her memory.

A week ago he had locked himself in his office debating whether he wanted to take her there or not. Everytime she came to him to tell her about the new things she remembers, she would have the brightest smile on her face. He felt guilty for even debating his decision, obviously he should want to help her as much as he can. He ultimately decided to ask her out.

They walked in companionable silence until Kakashi saw the familiar cliff and spread of trees. Mizuki was confused when she followed Kakashi to the side of a cliff.

"Is...this it?" Mizuki asked. Kakashi stuffed his hands in his pockets and nodded. He turned sharply to regard her with a closed eye smile.

"You'll love it...just like the first time." He said softly before walking forward. Mizuki's eyes widened to comical sizes as she watched the seemingly normal rocks shimmer around Kakashi's form before he disappeared into the rocks.

She took a cautious step towards the cliff and gingerly reached her hand out. She expected her fingertips to feel a cold hard surface but she just watched her hand pass through. Her heart beat wildly as she took apprehensive steps through the mysterious entrance. Her vision blurred for just a moment before her eyes came into focus.

Kakashi watched her face morph into bewilderment. There was a glint of amazement in her eyes, similar to the look she had the first time she came. It might as well have been her first time seeing it. Another reason he wanted to bring her here was because the research team had finally finished documenting the new areas of the cavern. Most of the restoration efforts had been completed and it looked good. He thought it would be a sight she'd appreciate.

"This place is beautiful, Kakashi!" She exclaimed.

Kakashi chuckled. "Yes." He paused before commenting. "Your reaction is the same as the first time you saw it."

Mizuki's face dropped a little but she still had a soft smile on her face. "I've been here before?"

He nodded. "We ran into each other on your day off and you were looking to explore the forest. I decided to show you this enjoyed yourself a lot. When I first brought you here, we were still documenting and restoring some hidden sections. The team recently finished most of the work and I thought I'd bring you here again to see the rest of it."

Kakashi began to walk further into the cavern when a hand gently grasped his wrist, stopping him. He tilted his head back to look at Mizuki. He sensed some uneasiness from her and turned his body to give her his full attention.

"Thank you." She began. "I know the last couple months haven't been easy on either of us. Whatever...happened between's okay."

Kakashi firmly shook his head but Mizuki wouldn't have it with his objection. "Kakashi really. If my memory does come back...I won't be upset I promise."

He looked down at her hand still firmly gripping his wrist. It pained Mizuki to see the doubt in his eyes.

"You went out of your way to help me despite knowing I might recall whatever happened to us. I promise I won't get upset. I don't think I can even if I tried after seeing how selfless you are." She sighed when he stared at her in silence.

She mustered a meek smile. "I know you don't believe me but it's the truth." She gave him a quick peek to the cheeks and let his hand go. She walked around him and headed towards the floating platforms on the lake. She hoped that looking at the wonderful statutes would help distract her from the apprehension she felt and maybe it would give him time to collect his thoughts.

This place was so breathtaking, she couldn't believe that she really had recollection of ever coming here. Mizuki silently promised herself that she would explore every inch of this place today and create new memories that would do the beauty of this place justice. As she walked passed each platform, her hand itched to reach out to run over the artworks but she had to refrain herself so as to not accidentally damage them.

While she was admiring the statues in the main cave, Kakashi stood rooted to his spot.

"'s the truth..." It kept replaying in his head over and over again. He wanted to believe her, he really did but he couldn't bring himself to. She didn't even know what he did or why. She was a kind and caring woman but he didn't think even she could look past his actions.

Kakashi shook his head to clear his thoughts. He didn't want to think about this anymore. Even if he brought her here with the purpose of helping her memory, he really just wanted to enjoy spending time with her in a place that he knew made her happy.

A sudden cry startled him. He quickly looked up and saw Mizuki on her knees, both hands clutching her head in agony.

"Mizuki!" He cried. He sprinted towards her. His breath caught in his throat when he saw her body crumple to the ground, seemingly unconscious. But because she was so close to the edge, her limp body tipped over the edge and slipped into the lake. The lake wasn't too deep, maybe 6 feet deep but in her state she would be fully submerged. He quickly plunged his arm into the cold water and grabbed a hold of her hand before she sank to the bottom. He dragged her out of the water and pulled her close.

"Mizuki. Mizuki!" He shouted while shaking her. His panic was slightly offset by the fact that she was breathing but he was still deeply worried when she didn't wake up.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her shivering body close to him. 

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