Love Under the Aurora

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Author: SMUT ALERT. This chapter in particular is rated M. Recommended for 17 or 18+.


He needed a moment, just a moment to gather himself.

The flustered Jack closed himself inside of the room he was staying and squeezed his hands together to warm them.

I don't deserve her. She's so much more than I am... More than I'll ever be.

Yet when she'd been so close, his emotions inundated him, engulfed him. What if she felt it too? What if he was denying her something they both had longed for? He decided he'd sleep on it... that would help him clear his mind, and maybe help erase the tension.




Try as he might, Jack couldn't even close his eyes without seeing her. How trusting and forthcoming she was despite all she'd been through. He shivered where he lied, and his shawl provided no safety as he shifted uncomfortably in the bed.

What did she even see in him?

She was magnificent. She was extraordinary.

He was insignificant. He was charmless.

He could still feel her presence right before him as her fingers got close to his face. He'd felt those same yearning desires for so long and yet he continuously pushed them away from his own grasp... He knew what he was afraid of; of not being good enough for the one he loved this way.

Jack sat up slowly in his bed.

How would he know if he never let anyone get close enough to love him back?

Heart already rattling, he eyed the bedroom door.


He felt he could hardly breathe by the time he reached her chamber; she was not asleep, and frankly, Jack wasn't one-hundred percent sure if she needed to or not, but this was good. She turned to him and her eyes narrowed in sadness. She had been wondering what she'd done wrong, but was relieved to see he had come to her instead of the other way around.

Wordlessly, Jack shrugged off his mantle. It hit the floor. Immediately he felt his skin prickle from the added exposure, but he wasn't bothered. It was the first instance Elsa had ever seen him remove his shawl. He tried not to think of his own body, for he wasn't very fond of it. When people said Jack got his mother's looks, they meant everything, her slender frame included. Nicholas was stocky and robust, and Emily had expected Jack to turn out similar, but puberty seemed to have something different in mind once it hit. Though his muscles were lightly toned from years of laborious chores, he always considered himself much too thin and so he stuck with either layers or clothes that were a bit bigger than his actual size.

He'd have to convince himself his shape wouldn't matter to her if he was going to go through with this.

Elsa stepped closer and Jack started to disrobe. His hands were so shaky he could barely get the buttons of his overcoat between his fingers, though that might be the brisk weather at play. He stopped only when Elsa took his own hands instead. He looked at her, she looked at him.

Already Jack's face began to flush, his body heated up from the fire coming from within and there were no words for him to explain to her what he was feeling. Her hand came close to his face, and this time he didn't inch away. She brushed her fingers along his cheek and he felt an almost electrical reaction. She brought her other hand to his face as well, then he gingerly allowed himself to hold her closer. His heart felt so light in his chest.

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