dating rocky lynch?

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I couldn't believe yesterday happened. I mean, Ross kissed me? And I kissed him??? That didn't feel like a real thing. He walked me home after another hour of us discussing the possibility of the free concert and scheduling more interviews with the press. We even brought up the idea of doing the concert in the bakery, giving it a chill coffee house performance.

The next morning I received a call from the bakery, and also a reality check. They asked me to swing by and I was already witnessing a line full of teenaged girls circled around the block. But surprisingly, a good portion of them recognized me. 

"Hey! You're Marina!" 

"The girl from the post!"

"Omg, are you dating one of them?" 

I tried to give as many smiles as I could, as well as a few waves. Girls even tried to step in front of me and take selfies with me. It felt kind of nice actually. 

Daisy, the owner and the mother of the teenaged girl, stepped outside and greeted me with open arms. She jogged up to me and hugged me. 

"Marina! I'm so glad you were available this early. I know we just offered you the job yesterday but as you can see, we definitely need help!" Daisy exclaimed, making the teenaged girls cheer as a response. 

"I'm glad as well!" I said before she pulled me into the entrance and towards the counter. There were already a few girls inside, waiting to place their order. 

Her daughter was struggling at the cashier, but so far trying to maintain her cool. Her eyes lit up as she saw me, "Marina! Thank god, you can take orders over the display and I'll ring them up?" 

My head quickly nodded and I made my way over to the other side of the store, joining her and her mother. "My name is Cherry, by the way. I know we didn't formally meet yesterday," The girl said, placing her hand out towards me.

"Daisy and Cherry? You guys have the cutest names," I complimented, putting my hand in hers and shaking it. 

Daisy brought in a fresh batch of cookies from the kitchen and swiftly put them on display, brining in an amazing smell of chocolate.

"Mmmmm" One of the customer's expressed, looking ahead in our direction. 

This earned a pleasant response from Daisy as she gave them an ecstatic grin. She turned her head upwards towards the chalk board listed with all of our food and pointed. "We even made a special called The Driver Era! Two chocolate chip cookies, courtesy of your order last night, and a great vanilla milkshake to complete the snack!" 

I turned my attention over to the board as well and noticed the band's name written in big letters across it, almost identical to the font the boys use. 

The cashier dinged and Cherry thanked the new customer before turning over as well and adding, "As you can see, it's a big hit!" 

"I'm so happy we were able to do this for you guys, and now I get to be surrounded by the band even more," I chuckled, putting on two gloves and preparing myself to take orders. 

I've done this all before, and like I said last night, working at a bakery isn't the best but I'm open to this new possibility. They've also given me a great first day experience so far. 

A purple haired teen leaned over the display and ordered, "The Driver Era special please! Also- could I take a selfie with you? Maybe I can make it onto their timeline," she asked, showing me her phone. 

I smiled and said, "Sure!" And within the matter of a few seconds, she was already uploading the photo onto her instagram and tagging me in it. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I glared at the screen, hoping Daisy wouldn't see. My instagram was blowing up with notifications. She wasn't the only girl who had been tagging me in photos since I got here. 

The Wrong Perspective // Ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now