welcome to the right perspective

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Remember how I started this story? Always on edge and clearly uncomfortable with going outside? Needing a sense of routine and protection? I'm starting to feel the complete opposite of this. 

At this moment it was almost like Ross and I were the only ones on this dance floor. I couldn't help but have my mind run back in time for a bit and start to think about all of the little instances we had. Bumping me into a wall, breaking into my graduate school, the first time he stayed the night, and all of the pizza boxes and long conversations of music we got through. My small crush for Ross just continued to develop over the months and now I cant even picture going forward without him.

Also- I don't mean to brag but... how did I even get here after sleeping with his brother? How did we even get past that? I still don't know what made him want to give me a real chance after that, but I did know that I was super fortunate to have that chance now. 

His brown eyes were just captivating. He was on beat with every single movement, holding my hand and spinning me around and into his arms. He was gushing with enthusiasm. He had the biggest smile on his face, which definitely made mine even bigger. 

Ross noticed me staring and his pink lips turned up into a little smirk. "What is it, Mari?" His small little chuckle made my heart beat so fast. 

I gripped onto his hands tighter, pushing my chest onto his and embracing him in a big hug. "Thank you for coming, Ross. I really appreciate you so much," I thanked, trying to find his heartbeat in the midst of the loud music. 

"I appreciate you too. I'm so lucky to be here with you," his warm voice just heightened my happiness. 

We stayed in our embrace for a few more moments, swaying back and forth before the music came to a halt. We brought our attention to my sister who was tapping on the microphone, asking for silence. "I just want to thank everyone for coming out here tonight to celebrate me and Julio. This was clearly last minute but you all showed up for us, like you continue to do as a family, and we're so grateful for that," Liz announced, clutching her husband's hand. 

My nieces ran up to them and hid behind their tall bodies. They giggled and waved at Ross from this small distance, still as mesmerized as I am with this man. "They love you," I laughed while punching him in the stomach softly with my elbow. 

Ross looked down at me and ran his hand through his dark brown hair, "I know." I mocked a small eye roll at him before we got back to listening to my sister. 

"Now this night isn't just about us. Some of you may not know this, but my younger sister Marina got into a small problem this year and we want to offer her our help. Mari, could you come up here, please?" Liz asked, blinding the spotlight from her eye and looking into the crowd.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Ross. He was doing the same and just shrugged his shoulders, giving me a slight push forward to join my sister. I kept the same look of confusion while standing up there with her. "What are you doing?" I muttered softly. 

"Julio and I put money aside to help you pay back your school. We know the deadline is coming up soon and we just hope you'll accept our small donation," My sister offered, putting an encouraging hand on my back. 

I opened my eyes wide, continuing to look shock. "Are you serious?!" I exclaimed. "No really, are you serious??" 

Before my sister could even answer me, her husband reached into his back pocket and took out an envelope full of cash. "It's all for you, Mari." He clutched the envelope in my hands, making me look down with my mouth slightly agape. 

"I couldn't- you guys... you guys really didn't need to do this," I reassured, gripping the envelop to see just how much money was in this thing. 

The Wrong Perspective // Ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now