the reveal

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I couldn't believe who was standing right there in front of us. I mean, this is possibly the worst case scenario right now and I was living it. 

Rocky and Vivienne were almost identical with their shocked faces. The older Lynch brother was trying his hardest to stand up straight on the wall while leaning his elbow on Vivienne's shoulder.

"This is... crazy" Rocky stuttered, squinting his drunken eyes at us. 

Rocky stumbled and tripped forwards, grabbing onto my chest. "Bro, bro? Are you alright?" Ross clenched onto Rocky's body, trying to force him off of me. 

I looked at my blank reflection in the mirror. My lipstick was smeared, of course, and my hair was starting to get frizzy. This definitely gave them all the reassurance they needed into believing what was actually going on in here between Ross and I. 

"Just get me home, please," Rocky pleaded, managing to let out his first coherent sentence of the night. Ross held him up with both hands on his shoulders. 

He looked his older brother straight in the eye and sighed, "Alright, let's go." 

The boys began walking out of the tiny bathroom, with me following slowly behind. Vivienne pulled me away to the side slightly, yelling loudly over the music. "What were you guys doing in there?"

I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in my system, or just sudden shock from what just happened, but I really couldn't get myself to answer. I just looked at her and blinked. She threw her hands in the air before crossing her arms over one another and catching up to the boys. 


We arrived to the hotel suite and put Rocky to bed quickly. Vivienne and Ross helped take off his clothes and secure him enough to sleep through the night without any worries in the morning. 

Vivienne and I couldn't find a chance to talk about all of this until Ross was beginning to enter the shower. We were whispering just right near the front door, keeping an eye out for any of the boys. 

"I know it looked bad, but you have to understand Viv," I claimed, feeling bad about this whole situation. 

She shook her head at me again, "Mari- you're a grown woman, I'm not gonna lecture you on who you should be or who you shouldn't be having sex with. But I don't see how this is going to help your situation in any way. I'd hate to say it, but Rocky did look pretty hurt." 

We heard Rocky fumble in his sleep, turning and tossing under the covers. He was making small noises which then transitioned into a wave of light snoring.

She gave me a bleak expression while huffing out an exaggerated breath. "I pray for you love, I really do. I can't wait until this all blows over." 

"Me too." I gave her a big hug before wishing her a good night. She closed the front door softly behind her.

I didn't even know what to do now. Should I just get my things and leave? Should I wait for Ross? Possibly ask Vivienne if I could stay in her suite again? 

A huge thud came from Rocky's room and my mind instantly went to the worst. I ran quickly into his room where he was groaning on the floor and hunched over in a ball shape. 

"Oh gosh-" I stuttered, helping him up. I tried my best to get him into at least a sitting position, knowing I couldn't possibly get him back onto this bed all by myself. I definitely needed to wait for Ross. I hoped to god he wouldn't throw up, that was the worst thing we needed right now. 

The Wrong Perspective // Ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now