the bathroom

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I don't know what or how it happened but somehow I ended up sitting by the VIP area all by myself. 

Drink after drink after drink, and Ross was nowhere to be found. I'm not sure if I scared him away or if he was off doing something else with who knows who. All I knew was that my friends were currently having the time of their lives, and I wasn't. 

"Why are you just sitting here, love?" Vivienne approached my expressionless body and sat next to me. 

I sighed and crossed my leg over my other, sitting in a tighter position. "I don't know. I couldn't find anyone, and you know clubs really aren't my thing."

She frowned and crunched her eyebrows at me. "I've been right over there the whole time, silly." 

"Yeah, but you've been talking to some guys here and there and eventually my eyes lost you in the crowd. Do you know where Ross is?" I asked, hoping she would have an answer for me. I'm telling you, I don't know how that boy disappeared so quickly. 

"Uh..." She started. "I last saw him by the bar talking to a few girls." 

 Truthfully, I knew that would be the case. She just confirmed my suspicions. 

"He said he was coming back after our last shot, but he just never returned..." I confessed, looking up at the dark ceiling. 

Vivienne placed her hand on mine and exhaled. "You know how it is. He knows a lot of the people here, and he is the lead singer of an up and coming band," she said, making excuses for Ross' absence. "Rocky's been under the same trance." 

Our eyes trailed over to Rocky across the room, who now had his hand up on one of the girl's thighs as she was hunched over trying to speak to him. 

She tugged my hand forward as she stood up. "Come on, let's have another shot and hit the dance floor again. We can dance with Rashaad and Nathan!" 

A smile perked up on my face and I took a deep breath. I accepted this offer and followed her over to Rashaad and Nathan, where they were making out on the dance floor. 

"Get a room!" I joked, grabbing Rashaad by his hand. 

Their lips pulled away and looked at us in shock. Nathan's sunglasses were still on and for the first time tonight, he pulled them up to his hair. "That's the plan!" He answered, winking at his boyfriend. 

Vivienne and I laughed at loud as we grabbed one of them and began dancing to a Spanish song that was playing through the loud speakers. 

"Show me what you got, Bollywood," I chuckled, spinning Rashaad around. 

He faked a scowling look and retorted, "You know we have moves, miss Puerto Rico." 

We danced to a Bad Bunny song which was playing all over the radio in the city. To my surprise, the rest of them new the lyrics and this just amped up my mood even more. Rashaad was twirling me around, gripping me securely on my hips, and giving me the energy that I needed to get back to my previous mindset. 

"Where's your Romeo?" He asked, trying his best to contain his drunken self. "Yeah, don't think we all haven't noticed. Are you guys a thing?" 

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know," I confessed.

Before we could get another dance in, Rocky placed his hand on Rashaad's shoulder and asked, "Could I get in here?" 

Rashaad put both his hands up and shrugged, "I'll just threesome my way over there." He nudged his head over to Vivienne and Nathan who were failing terribly at trying to get a rhythm out of their feet. 

The Wrong Perspective // Ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now