part one.

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

walking into the quiet dull room, you set down your luggage and eyed the room. it was so well organized and decorated perfectly it shocked you.

when you were told your roommate was going to be a boy you thought it would all messy and stinky but instead it was like an ikea room display that smelled like lavender. maybe this isn't bad, maybe he's a super sweet person that takes care of himself and his house.

you walked in and found an empty room, the only thing inside was a bed that only had a mattress on. you smiled to yourself before unpacking your belongings.

" okay the truck with my furniture should be here at 3pm tomorrow so i guess that's all for today.." you mumbled to yourself as you marked your planner, you looked at the clock and realized it was late.

and also your roommate hasn't come home to greet you at all.

you went outside your room and wandered into the kitchen, taking a look about their food choices. you heard a door swing open and immediately turned around to welcome your roommate but instead you found yourself in a awkward position, a couple making out. you froze in place as you watched them continue to make out. you decided not to say a word since they were busy but jungkook noticed you standing in the kitchen looking at him. he realized who you were and pulled away from the girl he was just making out with.

" i thought you were coming tomorrow..." he said tilting his head as his cold eyes pierced you.

the girl was glaring at you, almost murdering you with her eyes.

" no it was today but my name is y/n, it's nice to meet you!" you said holding out your hand for a friendly handshake.

jungkook stared at your hand and looked back at you. walking away from you, he took the girls hand and walked into his room. you looked around as you stood still, well that was awkward.

what a kind person he sure is.


the next day ♡︎

taking the cup of warm coffee, you took a sip as you scrolled through the hot topics of today's news on your phone. you heard someone scramble around and saw the girl from yesterday with messy hair exit your roommates room, she look like she got dressed in 1 second and quickly ran outside the apartment. you saw how badly she was frightened, almost like she was running away from a murder.

as you watched the girl run you saw your roommate in the corner of your eye, he was fixing the buttons of his shirt, getting ready with his messy bed hair.

" why did she run away? she should've stayed for breakfast at least-". 

" i don't make breakfast." he muttered annoyed, his cold tone in his voice was so visible you could see why she was scared.

you gulped as you watched jungkook get ready.

" listen i only let you live with me because i except money paid full on time. if you're even one day late of paying me on time then i won't hesitate to kick your ass out the door." he said with a cold stare on his face, you stayed still as he went on.

" now for some rules, first do not drink my milk i will cut off your fingers." 

" do you mean the banana-". 

" SECOND, do not bring boys over i hate people in my house that i don't like, also do not talk loud, do not decorate the house, do not get a pet and do not shower longer than 10 minutes. i don't want you to wear slutty outfits around the house , i don't want you to smile i hate smiles."  he said crossing his arms making sure every rule drilled through your mind.

" and do NOT fall for me. i don't do relationships so don't except me to like you back." he said as he began walking towards his room.

" and who are you to boss me around? you might be the owner of this house but you do not own me, you have no right to speak to me like that! stop acting like you're superior to me. you're not, you're just a cocky cold person that i happen to live with. " you yelled at him.

he slowly turned around glaring right at you. you kept your angry face on as he glared at you with furrowed eyebrows.

" you're poor aren't you." he exposed you.

you pointed at him as you were about to deny it but nothing came out your mouth. " shut up." you mumbled as you walked towards your room angry.

jungkook couldn't help but softly laugh at you, you had the guts to talk back to him even though he gave you his cold look. his previous roommate was so in love with him, she just let him yell at her and say nothing back, scared he would kick her out if she did. but you were different, you weren't scared or fragile in fact you might be the only one who could keep him in line.

jungkook didn't even realize he let out a small smile.


the next day was your first day of college, you got ready to make sure you make a good impression. you walked into the kitchen and found jungkook drinking his milk carton as he leaned against the counter almost staring you down.

" i hope you don't plan to eat breakfast cause you're about to be late." he said smirking. he immediately grabbed his keys and made his towards the door meanwhile you didn't seemed bothered, you still made your way to the kitchen and prepared yourself some toast.

" did you not hear me?".

" i did i just chose to ignore you." you said still not looking at him.

" whatever drive yourself." he mumbled as he walked out the door, he got in car but before he could insert his keys he froze.

why did i just volunteer to drive her to school?


you entered the hallways and found yourself in an unfamiliar building. you looked at the numbers and realized you were on the opposite side of the campus. you pursed your lips as you started to make your way outside the building when you heard a conversation between two people.

" i literally cannot believe jungkook just kicked me out like that! i literally gave him the best sex of his life and he kicked me out first thing he does when he wakes up." yelled a femineidad voice.

you saw both girls walk into the bathroom and of course your curiosity got the best of you. you followed them into the bathroom, hiding your face in your hood.

" plus he has a new roommate now. she isn't pretty unlike his last roommate,yeseul . " said the girl as she applied her lipstick in the mirror but before you could sneak into one of the stalls you saw the girl look at you from the corner of her eye.

" hey you."

part one !
sorry for any mistakes !

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