part two.

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

" hey you." said the girl as she looked at you from the mirror reflection. she put away the lipstick she was just applying before turning around, leaning on the sink as she eyed you down. you stood in place, you were frozen to your feet.

" your jungkooks new roommate?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. jungkook? that's his name?

" um yeah..."

she softly giggled through her gritted teeth, almost mocking you with her eyes, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed. the way they both looked at you as if you were a beaten up dog.

" just know, you're absolutely no where near his type especially compared to his last roommate.... it's almost sad to see his roommate downgrade so....bad."

she was about to leave the restroom when she stopped by your side, leaning in to whisper in your ear.

" at least i don't have to pretend to be your friend now to get the guy..."

leaving the restroom, you were alone inside. you laughed as you ran your hand through your hair, the fact it was only your first day and you already got an enemy.


jungkook was in the classroom, working on his assignments as he stared at the girl across the room, they both made eye contact, almost like a prey about to catch his meal. she bit her lip as jungkook winked at her but before anything could happen, you and the other classmates walked in and began to sit down.

jungkook groaned at annoyance as the class was starting again. you were new so you didn't have a seat, so you stayed at the front of the classroom, you waited everyone to sit down so you can sit at an empty seat. you eyed the students and found jungkook at the back of the classroom. so far no one is sitting by him, maybe it would be nice to sit by someone i know.

you made your way towards the back of the classroom, but before you could sit down you saw someone come right in between you two and sat right by jungkook.

oh it's her of course. you smiled towards her and sit right beside as you cried on the inside, now you're sitting by the girl who hates your guts.

jungkook noticed you were going to sit by him, he honestly didn't care but at the same time, he wished you were sitting right next to him. but of course jungkook is especially good at hiding his emotions, always hiding them behind his cold personality.

" well since the school agreed, our department has agreed to have a winter trip to the snowy mountains. now it won't for at least 2 months so start saving your money!" said the teacher as everyone cheered.

you personally hated the snow, you weren't good at winter activities. you looked around, everyone was happy except for jungkook, he just had the same expression as he always had with his arms crossed.

you kept your eyes on him, his beauty was ethereal, almost breath taking. getting lost in his features you noticed jungkook was also looking at you, jungkook kept his eyes on you as you quickly looked away.

great now he thinks i probably like him or something.


you sat down at the dinner table, you stared at your meal as you thought about the restroom incident. her words kept replaying in your head constantly on a loop.

" you're absolutely no where near his type especially compared to his last roommate.."

last roommate? who was she? was she beautiful? were they a thing? is that why jungkook doesn't do relationships anymore, because of her?

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