part seven

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[ all fan fiction  ; not real ]

looking outside the glass window, you could see the pretty mountains pass by. even though it was dark, the moonlight was bright enough to see the snow on top. you could feel your eyes drying, your tears staining your face as you leaned against your palm. you had no more tears left to cry, you slowly began to close your eyes. drifting off to sleep as you replayed the moments, the words, everything that broke your heart.



jungkook stood in the large living room, the sound of the fireplace crackling as he waited for you, holding two cups of hot chocolate he just finished making. he stood there, his feet rocking back and forth as he waited for your figure to appear.

as he waited, yeseul spotted jungkook standing alone in the large room, she noticed he had two cups of hot chocolate. she softly smiled as she realized he made one for you. she made her way towards the lonely man, he noticed her presence but ignored her, only waiting for you.

" you waiting for y/n?" she said looking where he was looking, jungkook hummed a simple reply. she took a the mug for herself and took a sip.

" mm this is really good did you make this yourself? " she exclaimed with a smile. jungkook glared at her as she drank from your cup.

" she's with taehyung right now...he also happened to make her hot chocolate too.." she said handing back the mug to him.

jungkook rolled his eyes, again? why is she always with him?

" so you guys kissed huh...." she said not daring to look at jungkook.

" yeah."

yeseul hid her broken heart and put on a smile, trying her best to feel happy for her once childhood friend.

" only 27 days left...43 days without sex or anything... who knows how you're doing after that kiss.." she said slightly laughing.

jungkook sighed out in frustration, knowing she knows exactly how he's feeling.

" frustrated. that's how i'm doing... you know i'm happy we kissed but now... i can't help but crave her touch or anyone's touch. maybe i am a manwhore." he said putting both of the mugs down as he pinched his nose.

yeseul giggled as he told her about how he's feeling.

" well i'm going to go to the hot tub, i need to relax before i do something i'll regret." he said smirking towards yeseul, brushing his shoulder against her body as he left her alone in the room. yeseul knew it was wrong, but he was already leaning away from you.

" i-i can't do this....she doesn't deserve this..." said yeseul to herself thinking about you. but this is the moment she's been waiting for.

maybe this is the moment where jungkook will finally realize... it's always been her and him. with that note, yeseul turned around and walked her way to the changing room.

wearing a white robe over her swimsuit, she walked over to the hot tub where jungkook was relaxing in. he was the only inside, he was stretching his neck when he caught a glimpse of yeseul. doing a double take, his eyes lit up but they quickly died down.

" for a second i thought you were someone else.." he mumbled before he smirked towards yeseul, putting on his fuckboy mode.

she smiled before slowly taking off her robe, jungkook slowly biting his lip as his eyes roamed her body. she slowly got into the hot tub, walking towards jungkooks lap.

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