part eight

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

" c'mon just eat your veggies sammy. " you whined as you held onto the fork that was holding a piece of broccoli, you held it towards the little human sitting across from you.

he looked at the vegetable and gagged, shaking his head no. you sighed as you set down the fork, leaning onto the palm of your hand.

" i'm going to guess that you're never going to eat the broccoli meaning i have to go back to the store to buy more food for you." you mumbled annoyingly as the little boy squealed.

he loved going on shopping trips to the store, he knew you would buy anything to just make him happy.

you nodded in defeat as you motioned for the kid to get ready to head out. you stayed at the table as your mind traced back to jungkook just like always.

it's already been 6 years since you last saw him at the snow mountains. you still remember leaving him a letter as you moved out his apartment. ever since you left his life, everything felt like it was constantly missing something. your heart still wanted him but you knew it wasn't right, he wasn't the right one.

after you moved out, you moved back home with your parents. you found out your older sister got married so you helped her raise her kid as well, even though you hated kids you want the money and sammy was a easy paycheck.

you saw sammy exit his room in his jacket and shoes ready to head to the store. you got the keys and entered your car, now on your way to the local grocery store.


you placed sammy on the seat of the shopping cart, pushing the cart as you shopped for his picky child taste buds. you reached the milk section, you heard sammy yell out for his favorite drink.

you saw there was one last carton of the banana milk so you quickly went to grab it but found someone else's hand grab it as well. you looked up to find a person who you never hoped to see. 

" jungkook..." you mumbled as your grip loosened, dropping the milk carton.

meanwhile jungkook tried his best to hide his smile, after six long years he finally found you.


" sir we located her!" yelled out his assistant as he showed the working man a footage of a car driving towards a grocery store on a tablet.

jungkook looked closely before realizing it was actually you, not some other look alike like the previous dozen located people.

his heart raced as he saw you exit your car, how did she manage to get even prettier?

jungkook immediately grabbed his suit jacket and put it on, all his assistants and bodyguards followed him.

" sir you can't afford to enter a shop like that. people will want to mob or rob you. especially with...." said his best assistant, hoseok.

jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at himself.

" what? spill it hobi.."

hoseok sighed as he pointed at his suit.

" you're going to a small local grocery store in a suit. do you think that's appropriate?" he asked as jungkook clicked his tongue as he softly laughed.

he stared at hoseok as his jaw hardened usually this look would frighten anyone but not to hoseok, he just stayed still with a smile.

jungkook quickly took off his suit jacket and threw it onto hoseoks face, he quickly stole a flannel from a random worker that happened to walk by jungkook. he ruffled up his hair and continued his way to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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