part six.

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[ all fan fiction ; not real ]

they say we live in the moment, that the past is always gone, and each day is something new, a stepping stone into a future we dream of even in the cold. but is the past really gone? or does it follow us throughout our new journey?


walking out of the bus from the 2 hour drive to the snowy mountains, you saw a winter wonderland from the top. snow resting on the ground as if it were a feather cushion, soft and warm. it covered the tree branches in perfect white. breathing in the numbing air, you blinked thoughtfully as the frost kissed your face. adoring the snow, moreso when it was falling.

jungkook watched you from afar, holding onto your luggage as he saw you looking at the view, he couldn't help but smile at the look of your face.

you looked so good in your winter clothes, breathtaking as the snow fell on your hair. meanwhile taehyung stood behind jungkook, he watched jungkook as he stared at you. taehyung could feel his heartbreaking, you and jungkook obviously like eachother but he wasn't giving up. he knew jungkook, jungkook doesn't commit himself to a relationship, he barely even knows the meaning of love.

you entered the warm cabin as you were staying with angela as your roommate. the warm humid air caused your nose to turn into a bright pink. you went into your room and unpacked meanwhile angela layed her in bed looking at the tour guide.

" y/n do you really think this is going to be a normal trip? i have a bad feeling about this trip..." she said as she looked at the guide.

you paused for a second, thinking about both boys.

" i think it'll be okay..." you lied.


" i wanna go home.." you groaned as you held onto the skis. you were so blinded by the pretty snow you forgot that you hated it. especially doing sports in the snow, you cannot do them for shit.

you were bending as you tried to keep your balance on skis while holding onto the poles with your life. meanwhile you saw jungkook skiing like a professional, he rode those white hills like he owned them.

he smoothly pulled up to you as he shows off his skills.

meanwhile you were struggling.

" you don't know how to ski?" he laughed out loud, you were going to hit him with your pole but you lost balance and fell onto the ground. jungkook watched you fall and started laughing at you, his laugh was so adorable you couldn't help but laugh at yourself too.

but you both were interrupted when taehyung pulled up with his snowboarding skills, he stopped right in front of you and lended you his hand helping you up.

jungkook was so busy laughing he forgot to help you out, he yelled at himself as his jealousy burned watching you both.

" here why don't you try out snowboarding, maybe it'll be easier for you-"

" no skiing is better plus she's already on skis so i might as well teach her.." growled jungkook as he glared at taehyung. you could feel their fire of anger burn.

" actually jungkookie can you teach me skiing? i already mastered snowboarding but i want to learn how to ski!" yelled yeseul as she waved at jungkook.

jungkook didn't want to leave you alone with taehyung but he would feel bad if he just left yeseul alone.

" just go with her jungkook you're not stuck to me or anything " you said as you tried to regain your balance.

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