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"Pete." I put my hands on his shoulders as he got off his train and I jumped up, using him as a spring board, "Morning bebe." He smiles and kisses my cheek, "So..." I look up at him, "What do you want help with?" He laughs, "I hate to ask you but I'm at like the last, last trajectory question and... my stupid brain can't do it." I groaned, he slaps my head, "Call your brain stupid one more time. I dare you." He points at me, "Your so called stupid brain won us the maths decathlon last year, and the year before that too." He takes his headphones out, we were crossing the road, "Oh crap!" Peter grabbed my wrist and pulled me quickly after him as Flash drove up, "I literally don't understand, since when have you gone to the gym or something, you got a major muscle boost lately." I shake my head and narrow my eyebrows, "What's up Penis Parker," He laughs and revs his engine, "Hey Nat. Gimme a call, you know." He clicks his tongue, I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips, "Mmhm, one day I'm gonna steal your keys and ram your daddy's car into that chainlink fence, right there, you hear me!" Peter hooked his arms under mine and pulled me after him inside school, "1183 and 1184." Pete stopped, we put in the combination for our lockers, coincidentally enough they were right next to each other, "Join me together, we'll build my new Lego Deathstar." I saw a lego figurine creep up my shoulder, I giggled, "What?!" Pete turned around, we saw Ned, "So lame." We saw a group of cheerleaders next to us scoff, "That's so cool, no way." Pete whispered, "How many pieces," I put my bag into my locker, "3803." Ned smiles, "That's insane!" I grinned, "I know right," Ned gave me a high five, "Want to come over to mine tonight and build it?" Ned asks, "Hell yeah." I shut my locker door, "Sorry can't I've got Stark-" Pete shuts his door, "Mmhm, always about that internship," I rolled on my foot and began walking on the other side of Ned, "H-Hey, look, I'm sorry I know I've missed date night for the last like... a lot but who knows, maybe it will end up with a proper job." Pete swings to my side, "That'd be so sweet, he'd be like, 'good job on those spreadsheets Peter.' I don't know how jobs work." Ned shrugs, I stifled a laugh, "That's exactly how they work," Pete smirks.

"Okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B? Flash?" Our teacher asks, "It's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by mass." He was confident, "Nope." Our teacher shook her head, "Peter." He shot up, "You still with us?" She asks, "Oh, uh, uh, yeah." He shuts his laptop lid down, he was watching that Spiderman video on repeat, "U-Uh, mass cancels out so gravity times sine." He explains, "Right, see Flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you're wrong." She uncaps her whiteboard marker, everyone laughed quietly, "You are dead." Flash mouths to Peter. 11:38. "What the hell are you making?" I look at Pete as he quickly closes the draw at our science lab desk, "N-Nothing," He ends with a smile, I slowly nod, "I feel like you're keeping stuff from me." I put my head back down and keep writing the science notes on the board, "H-Hey, you know I don't keep stuff from you. Promise. Well I mean sometimes I do lie... like that time I broke your Han Solo Lego Ship." He rubs that back of his head, "That was you?!" I hissed, "And you blamed that on poor Suki, she didn't do anything, she was a good girl." I flung my ponytail into his face, he blamed my dog?! "Hey and for that I'm sorry." He tries to turn my head around but I use a swift slap and swat his hand away. 1:35. We were in the cafeteria, "Look, they're all getting ready for homecoming," I point at Liz who was hanging up the banner, "Yeah," Ned nods, "You going?" I ask him, "Dunno," He shrugs, "You?" He drinks his carton of milk, "Dunno, after all, a certain someone's been awfully busy lately, I'm not even sure if he can come." I stab my fork into the salad. During lunch, we had out maths decathlon club, "Let's move to the next question, what is the naturally heaviest element?" Liz asks, "Uranium," I ring the bell, "What can I say, chem's my favourite." I grinned at Ned who was on my table, "That is correct Nat, now let's flip to page 10." Liz snaps her fingers towards me, "Peter, it's nationals, is there no way you can take one weekend off?" Mr Harrington asks, he was our teacher organiser, "I can't go to Washington because if Mr Stark needs me then I have to make sure I'm here." Peter explains, "You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." Flash had his legs up on another chair reading a magazine, "What's happening?" "Peter isn't going to Washington," "No, no, no, no. No." "Why not?" Everyone starts muttering, "Really, right before nationals?" Liz looks at him, "He already quit robotics and marching band. Plus 32 date nights." I twitched my head, everyone turned to me, "What? It was a contributing argument?" I shrugged, "I'll take on you on those 32 date mamacita." Flash winks, "Flash." Peter grits his teeth, "If another word comes out of your mouth I swear to god I'm going to sucker punch your face right now." I balled up my fist, "Flash, you're in for Peter." Liz turns around, "Oof, I dunno, I gotta check my calendar first, I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up, plus Nat's 32 dates." He looks up, "That is false." Abraham rings his bell, "What did I say for using the bell for comedic purposes?" Mr Harrington looks at us. 1:17

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