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We saw the guy use green magic circles to stop the water monster, my eyes scanned the bell tower, it was falling and I saw Peter's webs hold it together, "Who is that guy?" Flash asks, "I don't know but he's kicking that water's ass." Brad says, the man was using his smog and conjuring green magic circles to restrain the water monster, he ripped it in half and the water monster disappeared, he floated down and everyone clapped and cheered for him, I ran out, "H-Hey! Nat, come back, I know you might be a fan but come back!" Mr Harrington shouts after me, "Woah, woah, slow down there, it's still dangerous." The guy says, "Get away from me!" I squirm out of his grasp and elbow his balls, "Ooh." The guys cringe in pain, I kept running, "Peter! PETER!" I run to the bell tower, I saw him quickly put something in his pocket, "Oh thank goodness you're okay." I hug him tight, "You're soaking wet." He looks at my clothes, I laughed, "Well I did get punched my water." I grabbed his hands and brought him back to the rest of our class. 

"That was definitely an alien, it has to be." Ned looks it up on his laptop, "Says it was exposed to experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers." Flash read an article, "Yep, you should definitely believe everything you read on the internet." MJ nods, we were all grouped together back at our hotel, "Spiderman could take him." Flash looks at the TV, "What do you think it is?" Mr Harrington asks Mr Del, "You know being a man of science, witches." Mr Del says, "Who is that guy?" Betty watches the news, "Everything okay?" I look at Peter as he walks back after his call with May, "Everything's good, but um, Happy's at the office." He rubs my waist, "Happy?" I look at him, he clears his throat and nods, "Yeah." He twitches his head, "He's like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one." Brad looks at the man, I felt Pete stiffen up at the name of Mr Stark, "It's okay." I pat his chest lightly, "He's alright, he's no Spiderman." Flash scoffs, "What is it with you and Spiderman?" I look at him, "What? He's just awesome okay, he protects the neighbourhood and he's inspiring. He's made me a better man," Flash says, I felt Peter lift his chest in pride a little, I giggled, "Sup dickwad." Flash nods his head at Peter, "Thought you drowned." He winked, I burst out laughing and hid my mouth into Peter's arm to suppress my laughter, Flash was going on and on about how much he loves Spiderman and he just called Spiderman dickwad, "Sounds like his name is Mysterio." Brad crosses his arms, "Uomo di mistero means man of mystery. They don't actually know who he is." MJ says, "Mysterio," Ned nods, "Cool name." Betty and Ned say at the same time, "Babe." They both smiled at each other, "So." Peter looks down at me, "Paris tomorrow, Eiffel Tower." He strokes my waist again, "Yeah, and? Do you know what's so special about tomorrow?" I leant up and kissed the corner of his lip, "We're going to Paris?" He lifts an eyebrow, "Ugh, you're hopeless." I shake my head.

"Wait so what are you gonna do about the water monster?" Ned asks Peter, "Yeah, it can't just be a one off thing right?" I ask, we were upstairs, on the way to our room, the three of us were bunking together, "It's fine, it's dead. Besides, that Mysterio guy's all over him, look I just want to spend some time with you tomorrow in Paris. We'll walk around and enjoy ourselves." We walked into our room and he kissed me, "You guys are so cute, reminds me of the time Betty and I first fell in love I just finished my fruit cobbler right and-" Ned stopped talking, he fell onto his bed, "He passed out quick." I broke away from Peter, "What an adorable sight to be greeted with. You two, sucking each other's faces off." We whipped around and saw Nick Fury, "You are a very difficult person to contact, Spiderman." Peter looks at him, "You're Nick Fury... you just shot Ned." We look at him, he lifts his gun at me, "It's only a mild tranquilliser." He says, "Please don't shoot me." I hold my hands up, "I'll pretend I never saw you and never heard this conversation." I shake my head, "So good to finally meet you. I mean I saw you at the funeral but I didn't think it was a good time to exchange numbers." He says, "Well yeah it'd be really inappropriate." Peter nods and subtly pushes me behind his back, "I just said," Mr Fury nods, "Sorry sir." Peter clears his throat, "The important thing is you're here. I tried to bring you here but you avoided me and now you're here. What a coincidence." Mr Fury says, "Wait. Was this a coincidence?" I pop up from Peter's arm, "I used to know everything. Then I come back five years later and now I know nothing. No intel, no team and a high school kid is dodging my calls. Here's what I do know." He places a disk on the table and a hologram pops up, "Cool." Peter and I breathe out, "About a week ago, a village in Mexico was wiped out by a cyclone. Witnesses said that cyclone had a face." Fury says, the atmosphere was ruined by Ned's snoring, "Three days later a similar event in Morocco. A village was-" Mr Fury was interrupted again by the door getting knocked and opened, he held his gun to the door, "Just making the rounds, if anyone needs emotional counselling after today's traumatic events." Mr Harrington showed up at our door, "No. No. I'm sure it's fine Sir. We're all fine." I shake my head, "Oh good, cause you know, I'm not really qualified for this stuff..." He touches his fingers together, "You seem to be clutching onto Peter awfully tight, are you sure you feel safe? Scared perhaps?" Mr Harrington took a step in, "No, no, no, no, no!" We both shout and stop him, "A spider." I make up an excuse, "There's just a spider under my bed." I point at it, "Oh, want me to kill it?" He asks, "Um. No it's fine, Peter's got it. Um, Ned's already asleep so would it be okay just to call it a night." I smile at him, "O-oh." Mr Harrington whispers, "He's passed out. Yeah, good night." He shuts the door, "Thank you sir." I shout after him, "Our teacher sorry 'bout that... You were saying?" Pete nods and purses his lips, "A village was destroyed what may well be a world threat-" The door was knocked again, I jumped at the sound and clutched my chest, "Babe are you awake, you aren't answering my texts?" We heard Betty's voice, "I-uh. He's asleep Betty." Peter says, "Oh. Really?" She says, "Yeah." I affirm, "Okay." She replies, "That's why it's imperative." Mr Fury tries to continue, but the door was knocked again, I jumped, "Jesus Christ, they're like jump scares now." I whisper to Peter, "We're gonna be killed by Mr Fury." He whispers back and he rubs my waist, "Hey kids, so that canal water was filled with dangerous bacteria so if any of you are feeling sick, come down and we'll give you some medicine. Let me know if you're vomiting." We heard Mr Del's voice, "if another person touches that door we're going to be attending another funeral." Mr Fury looks at us, we both nod, "Suit up." He says, "And that's my queue to stay put." I went to my bed, "You were never here and I never heard a thing," I pretended to zip my lips, "I like this girl." Mr Fury nods at me before walking out the door, "What? I've never gotten praised by him!" Peter looks at me, I had a smug grin on my face and pulled the blankets over me, "I'll be back soon okay?" I felt Peter kiss my head, "Stay safe okay?" I look at him as he shuts the door, "Promise." He says and ducks out.

"Alright, make sure to drink lots of water, I'll get you a vitamin C tablet, you cannot get sick okay babe?" Betty pats Ned's shoulder, "Thanks baby." Ned waves, "Hey man are you sure you're good?" Peter asks Ned, "Yeah, Pete's got a point, I mean you got stabbed in the neck with a dart." I whisper, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, seriously, getting tranqued in the neck my Nick Fury probably the coolest thing that happened to me anyway." Ned shrugs, "I mean I'm just happy I don't need to go to Prague," Peter and Ned do our handshake, in the morning, Peter filled us in, that thing from yesterday, that was an elemental from another Earth that is now attacking our Earth and the last one left is the fire elemental and it's set to attack in Prague, "Good news everybody, we're going to Prague!" Mr Harrington was ecstatic, "What?" "What?" Everyone was confused, "But we were meant to go to Paris today..." Pete looks down, "Yeah the holiday company phoned me and told me that we got upgraded, you should've heard me on the phone with them, I really gave them hell." Mr Harrington seemed proud of himself, "Look at our upgraded ride!" We saw a black coach, "Who's the burly looking guy?" I saw our bus driver, "I think Nick Fury just hijacked our Summer Vacation." Peter sighed, "Awesome!" Ned runs over and wheels his suitcase over, "Yeah. Awesome." Peter didn't sound convinced, "Come on, let's try and enjoy the time we have, after all." I shrug, "It's a special day." I smile and pull Peter after me. 

We were in the Eastern Alps in Austria, the coach ride to Prague was taking a while. The two of us sat at the back of the bus, "What's this? The box us beautiful." I grabbed a wooden sunglasses case from his bag, Peter gently took it from my hands and he opened the box.

Stark Industries

I covered my mouth, he put the pair of sunglasses on, his eyes were watering, he leant his head down and rested his head on my shoulder, he read the back of his card, "For the next Tony Stark, I trust you. P.S. Say EDITH." He looks at the card, the lenses seemed to light up blue, "Stand by for retinal and biometrical scan. Biometrical scan accepted, hello Peter." I heard a faint voice but once Peter sat up straight I couldn't hear it again, "Hello?" He was confused, "I am EDITH, Tony Stark's Augmented Reality security and defence system." I leant my head close to Peter's and I heard the voice again, "So he made you for me?" He asks, "No. But you have access to all of Tony's protocols." EDITH says, "Would you like to see what I can do?" She asks, "Sure." He nods, "EDITH stands for Even Dead I'm The Hero. Tony loved his acronyms." EDITH says, "Yeah he did." Peter chuckled, "I have access to the entire Stark Industries Global Network. Including multiple defence satellites as well as backdoors to many major telecommunication networks." She says, "That's so cool." I look at him, he nods up and down quickly, "Woah." Peter blinked, "What do you see?" I ask, "Have a look yourself." He passes them to me, "Stand by for retinal and biometrical scan. Biometrical scan accepted, hello Natalie." She says, "Wait, why do I have access to use these?" I ask, "You are Peter Parker's girlfriend are you not?" She asks, "Well yeah but still, I feel like that's not high enough of a relationship to you know, access this type of stuff. Maybe a wife but just a girlfriend?" I was shocked, I looked around, I saw everyone's text messages, search bars and what they were looking up, "Woah..." I look at Peter, it scanned his face.

Name: Peter
Age: 16
Height: 1.73m
Access: Granted

"Sick." I look at Ned.

Name: Ned
Age: 16
Height: 1.61m
Access: Denied

"Babe, look at my face when you put them on, I give them back to Peter, "What does it do?" He puts them on, "Cool." He nods.

Name: Natalie
Age: 16
Height: 1.67m
Access: Granted

"You get everything from just looking." He was shocked, I nodded, "Look at Nat's history." He says, I slap his arm, "No, no. That's wrong, that's wrong." He covers his eyes, "That's right," I nod, we got off for a pit stop, "Toilet, toilet. Ten minutes." Mr Del ran off the bus, "Demetri, where are we?" Mr Harrington asks, he doesn't respond, I hopped off the coach, he stopped me and handed me a case, "Oh. Thank you?" I was confused but I stuffed it in my bag to open later, I saw Demetri stop Peter as well, he pointed at the barn, there was a lady in black, "See ya." He whispers in my ear and runs in that direction, I nod, "Hey Ned, Betty! Wait up!" I run over to them. 

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