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"Ok, ready?" I lean back, he nods, I unwrap my legs from his waist and stand on my own, "You sure?" I put my hand son his chest, "Please just hurry up." He bounces on the spot, I take a breath in, "You have EDITH to Quentin right?" I say, he nods, "Big oopsies alright. He isn't who you think he is, he created Mr Stark's Binaurally Augmented RetroFraming which he renamed BARF, you know him and his acronyms," I say, "Yeah, yeah." He nods, "And that thing from before, I can infer is one of those weaponised drones created by William Ginter Riva who was fired from Stark Industries as well. By the way, all these people I'm about to mention have some grudge with Mr Stark, don't ask why but I'm sure that's the reason they're doing this. Just thought that was imporant to note." I side track, "Mmhm," Peter was giddy, "So in combination, I can infer that Quentin managed to combine his Binaurally Augmented RetroFraming system into the drones to create these elemental monsters have 'real' damage created, however the most it can do is crumble down a few buildings and set fire to things to make it seem like the fire elemental did it." I continue, "But Mr Fury's indications had large electromagnetic tremors in these areas, you can't fake that, can you?" He says, "I was just getting to that, Victoria Snow, she was the one monitoring the arc reactor's seismic activity and electromagnetic pulses, she was fired though when the new one blew up, Mr Stark fired her from incompetence. I'm guessing that she was the one who created those pulses to trick Mr Fury into believing this was all real. Gutes Guterman put in an application to work as a manufacturer in one of the warehouse facilities but was turned down, now he's some best selling author or something for fictional stories. My bet is that he created this entire Mysterio story, and finally, Janice Lincoln woh had large sums of money transferred from Quentin, EDDI said it was probably through intel research and reporting it back to him. She probably found out that EDITH was getting passed to you not the defence ministries or SHIELD. So, I'll say it once. Quentin's a fake, you just handed a multibillion weapon company to a man who's psychotic." I hold my hands up, "Who knows what he's going to do with it. He's already created weaponised drones. I think we're in big trouble." I finish, Peter's jaw dropped, "How the hell did you figure that out?" He asks, "That's what you're concerned about?" My eyes widen, "Well yeah that too but what you did just then was so cool. It was like a detective." He says, "What can I say, I liked Conan Doyle." I shrug, "This is bad. Very, very bad." He grabs my waist and we swing back to the hotel.

"Peter, Nat. Oh my God, we almost died." Ned hugs us, I look at Peter swiftly and shake my head, 'He can't know or he'll freak out!' I mouth, he nods, "It's fine, we're fine." I smile, "Hey guess what, I'm finally done with the mission." Peter says, I stomp on his foot, "Dude the trip's already over." He says, "What?!" The both of us say, "There's monsters coming out of the ground, of course our parents want us home." Ned says, "Please don't put me on hold. Oh Peter, Nat! You're not dead!" Mr Harrington was on the phone and he put our heads into his chest, "Yes, yes. Oh, um, stay. Put some clothes on, we're bookin' flights." He points at Ned and walks off, "It's science, we're leaving cause of witches." Mr Del says, "Welcome to the new dark ages." He walks off, "Ned." Betty opens her door, "Coming honey." He walks off, "Hey um, can you guys keep it down, I'm livestreaming." Flash opens his door, I put EDDI on, "Hey EDDI?" I ask, "What are you asking for now?" Peter asks, "Hey want you to give me a level 5 search, full source protocol for an individual names Quentin Beck." I say, "Wha? Since when did you know protocols like that?" Peter was shocked, "Refresher course. You should try it." I had a smug grin on my face, I watched the video playback from the lenses, "He was a fake the entire time." I shake my head, once he went through the elemental, he quickly showed up from behind a building and put a quick change suit on and laid on the ground with stage blood on his head, "Peter, we need to tell Mr Fury and find Quentin." I say, "Here." I force EDDI on his eyes, he gave him the entire rundown of the situation, visuals and everything, "I need to lie down." Peter rubs his eyes.

"We can't call Mr Fury, he probably tapped it. I need to go to Berlin and tell him in person, I need you to call May to get her to tell Mr Harrington that I'm staying in Berlin with family until this all blows over." He takes his shirt off and grabs the black suit, I grin and slap his torso, "Rock hard bebe." He zips his suit up, Ned was at the door, "Hurry up Ned, shut the door." I whisper, he quickly scurries in and shuts the door, "Listen, Mysterio was a fraud." Peter flicks the goggles up, "But he saved me and Betty's lives." Ned was confused, "No he's been using faking the entire thing with illusion tech." I shake my head and help buckle Peter's straps on his back, "He's using these like hologram projectors," Peter nods, "Woah. That's like crazy." Ned was shocked, "I gotta go." He opens the curtains, "Oh wait, the projector," I pick it up off my bed, "You're going to need it for evidence and if he doesn't believe me, give me a call. After all, I'm Mr Fury's favourite." I mad a smug smile on my face, "Shut up." He folds his mask up and kisses me, "Please stay safe, you still owe me a bucket of sour worms and that thing whatever you bought in Venice." I say, I sniffed and felt a tear well up, "You have to come back. Please." I whisper, "I promise, I'm coming back." He wipes my tear and holds his pinky out, "How old are we?" I laugh and look up trying to stop crying, "Just hurry up and pinky swear on it." He laughs, I hook my pinky with his, "Pinky swear." I kiss him, he pulls his mask down and flicks his goggles down, "I love you." He swings out of the room. "Wait so are you really Mr Fury's favourite?" Ned asks, I laughed, "Have I ever lied?" I turn around, "Well this entire Spiderman being Peter is basically a long lie. Well I guess I've lied longer because I've known longer, not that it's a competition." He pretends to laugh it off, I stifle a laugh.

"Okay guys, the company set us up on a city tour to the airport." Mr Harrington says as we got off the bullet train, "Is nobody going to acknowledge how crazy this is?" Brad stops us, "Oh yeah, nothing's been scientific about this science tour at all." Mr Del nods, "No, no, no, no. I'm talking about Peter, has nobody else noticed how shady he is? Cause I saw him in the bathroom at the rest stop with some woman in this underwear when he already has a girlfriend, always sneaking away at like the Opera? Huh? And now suddenly he's off the trip with his family in Berlin? In nobody else here interested in the truth?" Brad asks, Ned was about to make some lame excuse of a lie, I stop him and give him a nod, "The very concept of subjective truth is fading out of the world." I say, Brad nods, "George Orwell. Thank you Nat." He points at me, "Yeah. I mean since my loyal boyfriend isn't here to tell the truth, what about you Brad, why do you think it's normal to take pictures of people in the bathroom?" I end with a long whistle, "Yeah dude, what's that about?" Flash livestreams Brad's face, "No, no. It wasn't like that. I-I was trying to tak-" Brad was interrupted by Mr Harrington, "Let's put this all behind us and have a peaceful afternoon. Sounds great Mr Harrington says the class. Okay." Mr Harrington narrates and the group walks off with him, I hadn't gotten a call from Peter in the past while, "Flash gimme your phone." I had an itching feeling, "Peter? Peter! We're in London, send me something in the chat so I know you're here. We're on one of those big red tour bus thingies." I said to the livestream, "@Happy_H0gan?" I read, "The hell?" I realised, "Oh my God, Peter, we're here in London, come here, please." I say, I saw it pop up with an 'X', I smile "Thanks Flash." I threw his phone back at him. "EDDI." I put on my glasses, "Who's EDDI?" Flash asks, he sat next to me on the tour bus, "Call Peter, right now." I say, "Ringing, Peter Parker," He says, I heard the dial tone a few times, "Oh my God Peter, are you okay?" I look up, "How the hell are you calling Peter with a pair of glasses?" Flash looks at me, "Just shut up." I push his face away, "Where are you?" I ask, "Well I got run over my a train a few hours ago, Happy picked me up in a jet and we're coming to London now, I'm making a new suit now." He says, "Please go on FaceTime, I just wanna see your face." I rub the bridge of my nose, "Okay, sorry if i'm making you stressed or worried baby." He says, "Yep, yep. Cause everyday dating you is never stressful." I say sarcastically, he laughs, "Hey." He kisses the camera, "I mean I'd kiss the lenses but I don't want to fog 'em up." I laughed, "Just how are you talking to him, you can't even see him?" Flash looks closer at my eyes but you can't see what I'm seeing from the outside, they just look like a normal pair of sunglasses, he showed me the suit he was making, "Hey something doesn't seem right." MJ stands up, "Yeah." Ned also stands up, "Hey I'll call you back okay?" I look at what they're looking at, "I can't get over how cool these are, how much?" Flash puts on EDDI, "Flash Thompson, Access Denied." EDDI says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. It just talked." He takes them off, "No shit." I put them on my head, I saw that we were stuck on Tower bridge, I look out, "It's fake." I slap my cheeks, "Yeah, i-it's fake so we have nothing to worry about." Ned clears his throat, "You stuttered." I look at him, "S-Speech tick." He says, I slowly nod.

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