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He swung us to a nearby building, it was relaxing and calm, we landed, his phone was ringing another, "No caller ID." He shook his head and pressed decline, we looked to the side and saw a large Iron Man mural painted on the brick wall next to us, "Come on, lay down." I pet my lap, he laid down on the edge and put his head on my lap, I strokes his hair, "You won't leave too will you?" He looks up at me, "I promise I'm not going anywhere." I smile and comb his hair, we sat in silence, it was cold for sure, especially since my clothes didn't have a built in heater like Pete's but I made do. 

"You got your toothbrush?" I heard mum, "Yep." I nod, "Toothpaste?" She asks, "I'm using Peter's." I say, "Passport?" She looks at me, "Mmhm," I show her the blue document, we got to New York international airport and meet up with the rest of the people headed on the trip, we all got onto our plane seats, "I'm ready to cuddle up for the next nine hours." I put my head on Peter's shoulder, "Hey, Parker, this is what you call an airplane, it's like the buses you're used to but it flies over the poor neighbourhoods instead of driving through them." Flash was in business class, "Ma'am." I say to the flight hostess, "Hmm?" She looks at me, "He Blipped so he's technically sixteen, not twenty one." I point at flash, "I'll take that." She smiles, Flash was drinking champagne, "She's lying, I don't even know that smoking fox." He goes after the lady, I smirked, "Classic Nat am I right?" Brad walks over and winks at me, I purse my lips and nod, "Did you know Brad was coming?" Peter asks, "It's so weird, one day he's that little kid that cries and got nosebleeds all the time and suddenly he blipped back and he's totally ripped and nice, all the girls are after him." Ned says as the three of us look at him put his luggage in the overhead compartment, Peter whips down and looks at me, "I'm not saying he's ugly." I shrug and tuck my hair behind my ear, "See, all the girls are after him." Ned says, "You're not though right?" Peter looks back down at me, "Psh, course not. I've got you." I smile and peck his lips, "Anyway, on more important things, this is a nine hour flight we can play Beastslayer the entire time." Ned takes out his laptop, I saw Peter frantically text Ned, "Ugh, seriously?" Ned reads the text and looks at Peter, "Yes seriously." He says, "What's going on now?" I look at the two boys on my right, "Come on. Just get the gummy worms." He says, I saw the look on Peter's face, "No Ned. Please." He says, he sighs, "Hey, um guys, there's an old lady sitting right in front of us and she's wearing a crazy amount of perfume on and it's kinda setting off Peter's allergies you know Betty, if you could switch seats with him,-" Ned goes to MJ and Betty, "He's allergic to perfume?" Betty asks, "Since when have you been allergic to perfume?" I look at him, "Well um..." He clears his throat, "Peter's allergic to perfume?" Mr Harrington pops up, "Man I know how bad it gets, your eyes water and ugh, it's terrible. I already feel hives breaking out. Brad, you switch seats with MJ, Betty take my seat, Ned, next to Betty, Sebastian and Zach, where Ned and Peter were, MJ, sit where Nat was, Nat take Betty's seat." Mr Harrington shuffled us all up, "Ned, thanks to bringing this to my attention, your safety is my priority and Mr Del... I got it for now." He saw Mr Del already asleep, snoring, "Let's go Peter, let's go." He waves his passport, I saw Peter sigh, "Hey," I sit down next to Brad, "Hey." He grins, Peter took his seat next to me, "Did you bring your dual headphone adaptor?" I look at Peter, "I, uh. I forgot it." He looks down, "I brought one, we can watch movies together." Brad takes his out, "Yeah," I smiled and took my headphones out, we plugged them in and cupped our headphones on our heads, we were watching for an hour and a half already, I saw Peter look up the documentary, Heart of Iron: The Tony Stark Story, I took one ear cup off, "Hey." I held his hand, he clasped his fingers over mine, I saw Peter's gaze look past me, I turned around and saw Brad smile and nod at us. We finished the movie and we were about to begin another one, "Babe, I need to pee but can you help me out." I unbuckled my seatbelt, "Yeah." He lifted my waist easily with his super strength and put me onto the aisle, crossing over Brad, his eyes almost popped out, Peter picked me up like I was no heavier than a feather, I wasn't heavy per-say but no sixteen year old could just easily pick another kid up and hoist them above their heads easily without a sweat, and also the fact that Peter's physique was quite lean, he didn't have bulging muscles or anything, rather he was toned, had abs and biceps, once I came back, Peter lifted me back up easily and picked me up over Brad like it was nothing, Brad rubbed his eyes. After three movies, I felt my eyes get tired, I felt Brad on my shoulder, Peter glared at him and pushed him off my shoulder and folded the headrest up so Brad could lean on that, I smiled and pulled the blanket over the two of us and I cuddled into his neck and shoulder, little did I know Brad kept an eye open and looked at us. 

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