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I almost let the towel drop, he picked the lock and came in, "How the hell did you get in here?" I ask him, "I jumped across our balconies, then picked the lock. I watched a YouTube video, it taught me." He wraps the towel tightly on my body. "You think a boyfriend wouldn't come to their girlfriend when they're crying?" He hugs me tight, "What are we Peter, are we just now really good friends?" I ask, "What? No, no, no, no, no. Nat, no." Peter flops onto the bed and brings me with him, "Well I don't know how you feel right now but I know for sure that I love you a hell of a lot more than you think I do. I know I've left you, I know I've been a dick lately but please, one day, I'll tell you everything." He strokes my hair, "You keep saying that, just what are you keeping from me Peter?" I look at him, my eyes glassing over, "No, please don't cry. My heart can't take it, I'm keeping it from you to keep you safe, who knows if something happens, what they might do to you if you knew." He explains, I stifled a laugh, "I lost you in that sentence, everything sounded like a jumble." I giggled, he smiles, "There's that laugh," He kisses my forehead, "Come on, put some clothes on, I'm taking you to the mall, me and you. No Ned. Just us cruising. I need to go somewhere tonight, but like much, much later tonight so we've got all day together." He pulls me up, I smiled, "Fine, just look the other way or something while I change." I open my suitcase, he obliges and turns around, "Peter, I made it!" Ned was by the window, "AHHHH!" I screamed, Peter quickly shielded me with his body, "Oh my God Ned! Leave, please." Peter shouts, "Oh crap, sorry, I didn't realise you were changing, I was going to say sorry too for leaving you out and stuff." He looks down, "Well apology accepted, thank you Ned." I nod, he looks back up and smiles, "How the hell did you even make that jump?" Peter asks, he kept moving with me so Ned wouldn't see, "It took a while and a lot of mental blocks but I guess I just did it." He shrugs, "Just can you leave us for a sec, please?" Peter looks up, "Oh right, sorry." He goes back. 

"So, where to first?" He holds my hand, the two of us window-shopping as we walked past stores, "Anything you want?" He asks, "I kinda wanna do a spa day together," I tap my chin, "Oooh! Wait can we buy like sheet masks and use that rolly thingy you have?" He lights up, I burst our laughing, "Do you mean my face roller?" I wipe a tear, "Yeah that thing, you did it on my face once and it felt really nice. But I had a lot of acne then," He touches his face, "Wow, what a shame, how would it feel to have breakouts." I flick my hair behind my shoulder, "Shut up. It's not fair you've never had a single pimple in your life." He puts his entire hand over my face, I licked his palm, "Ew." He chuckled and wiped his hand on my sleeve. We dropped some dollars on facial products. "Ready to go back?" We look at each other, "Yeah." We caught the next bus back to our rooms. "Lay down." I pat the pillow, he grabs the bag of Cheddar Doritos, "Mmhm," He crunches the chips and lays his head down, "Gimme," I open my mouth and he puts a handful of chips into my mouth, "Lick my fingers please, I wanna get rid of the cheese dust." He holds his fingers up, "Gross no. Your hands are gross, I don't even know if you washed your hands after we came back," His eyes widen, "Gross!" I laughed, "Okay, stop talking now." I slap his face lightly, he put his head in my lap, I crossed my legs on his chest, "It's gonna be cold okay?" I lean down and kiss his lips, "Okay," He leans up and pecks my lips, I put the sheet mask on his face, he shivered at the cold touch, I went to my suitcase and his head fell back onto the pillow, "Where are you going?" He asks, "I'm getting my so-called rolly thingy." I went back to him, I lifted his head and put it back in my lap folding my legs on his chest, I started using my face roller, he started giggling, "Shut up baby." I giggled and held his face, the two of us were laughing, he held my legs and kept laughing, I couldn't take it, I finally took his sheet mask off the two of us burst out laughing, "My turn, I wanna do you." He flips me onto the bed and he pulls me up to him so I had my head in his lap, he pulls the sheet mask out and unfolds it, "Ready." His hair flopped down, "Mmhm," I nod, he puts the mask on my face and uses my face roller and rolls it across my face, I felt the corners of my lips curl up, "Stop, or I'll laugh, then you'll laugh." He looks up with a huge grin on his face, he puts the roller down and starts lightly slapping my cheeks, I burst out laughing, "Ew! Ew! Bitter!" I gagged as a bit of the mask went into my mouth, "Peter, get it off! Get it off!" I sat up, he peeled it off, I stuck my tongue out, "Wadar, wadar (Water, water)." I couldn't say it properly as I stuck my tongue out, he ran to the sink and got a glass of water, "Fang goo." I drunk the glass of water, "Thanks." I smiled, "Anything. Are you feeling better. I'm sorry for making you feel left out and sorry for not paying as much attention to you before." He hugs me tight, "It's fine, I'm sure you have your secrets you're not ready to tell me yet. I'll be waiting for the time when you're ready." I look up at him, "You don't understand how much I love you and how lucky I am to have you. I won't let you go, ever, I promise to look after you, I'll protect you." He mumbles into my hair, "I feel like I should tell you something as well." I look up at him, "You know that day the ATM robbery, well, Spiderman kinda showed up on my fire escape and we shared my gummy worms and sandwiches. I dunno, I just feel like I should've told you, sorry I kept it a secret for so long, but truth is, I liked his company, it was nice, when you weren't there with me, he was there. I'm sorry." I look at the ground, "What are you sorry about? It was my fault to begin with that you left alone and sad, you shouldn't feel bad, come here." He brings me onto the bed with him, "I already told you but I need to leave later tonight, hopefully I can come back before the decathlon but for now, let's have a nap together." He tucks me under his chin, "Wait you don't care about Spiderman and me?" I was confused, "Oh, um." He clears his throat, "Spiderman's a good guy, I don't think he'd do anything too forward. I think." He rubs his nose, "I know you're lying." I look at him, "What, no. I'm not lying." He says, "You always rub your nose when you lie." I look up at him, you could see his adam's apple bob, "Oh well, it might have to do with your secret. I won't push it, one day you'll tell me." I tuck myself back under him, "I love you, you know that." He rubs my back, "Oh really?" I cross my eyes and stick my tongue out, "You goof." He laughs, we ended up napping for the rest of the day, once I woke up, Peter wasn't next to me, "He must've left already," I rubbed my eyes.

"Please ensure all cell phones are turned off." We were getting ready to go on stage, we all dropped our phones off, "Where's Peter?" Liz asks, "Oh well..." Ned was trying to think of an excuse, "May wasn't feeling too good, Mr Stark sent a jet to him last night, he's back at Queens, he might still make it, maybe?" I shrug, Ned stared at me, "Woah, cool." He looks at me, "No, it was a cover up." I whisper and slap his arm, his face lit up, "Ooh... wait you know?" He asks, "No I don't know what you know but I know something probably not the whole thing." I say, "You said way too many knows in that sentence just then," He laughs, I grinned, the four of us went onto the stage, we were all working through equation after equation, question after question, "We have now reached sudden death, the next correct answer wins the championship." We were told the question, everyone was working it out, I pressed the buzzer, "Midtown West?" The judge looks at me, "Zero." I grinned, "That is... correct." She nods, the entire room erupts in cheers, "How'd you know that!" Liz looks at me, clapping and cheering, "It was a stupid question me and Peter worked on. You know those random questions that just stick in your head. That was one of them." I laughed, "Midtown takes the championships!" Ned gave me the biggest side hug, I laughed and everyone did a group hug, even MJ joined. 

We spent the day celebrating, we were going to the Washington monument, "Peter?" I call him, "Babe? Is that you? Oh my God! Put Ned on the phone right now!" He shouts, "You sound out of breath, where are you?" I ask, "Put Ned on the phone! It's urgent!" He shouts, "I need to go through the x-ray first, then I'll give him the phone, he's already passed," I put the phone on the conveyor belt, "Babe? Babe!" I walked through, "Yeah?" I put my phone to my ear, I didn't hear anything, "Oh, he hung up?" I shrugged and put my phone into my pocket.

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