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"Okay put your wrong foot back on and everybody get back on the bus!" Mr Del shouts, "Hey, hey Nat." Brad jogs over to me, "Hey what's up?" I look up at him, "I wanna show you something, I feel like it's pretty important, it's about Peter." He says, I gulped, did he find out Peter's Spiderman? "O-Oh, show me later 'kay. We're heading on the bus now and I'm sitting with Pete, once we get off yeah?" I smile, "B-But wait!" He calls after me. 

Peter dragged me onto the first pair of seats, "Why are we sitting at the front?" I ask, he doesn't say anything and just puts on EDITH, "EDITH?" He says, the lenses glow blue, "H-Hey, there's this guy in my class." He says quietly, "I'm having difficulty hearing you, can you please speak up." She says, "Um, Brad Davis, he has a photo of me." He says, "Brad Davis, is he a target?" She asks, "Is Brad a target. Um, yeah. Brad's a target. He's a target." He turns around, "Confirmed, Brad Davis is a target, initiating strike. Intercept point determined, releasing Kill Vehicle." I leant my head on Peter's shoulder to hear, "Peter! What the hell did you just do!" I hiss, "Wait what? EDITH?" He asks, I try and look behind the coach, "Babe. Babe!" I shake his arm, Pete turns around and holds the glasses, "Sick glasses, how'd you pay for these?" Flash puts them on, "Flash, gimme them back! Gimme them back!" Peter tries to slap Flash and grab him but he used a bit too much strength and knocked Flash out, I suppressed a laugh as I saw him unconscious, "Shit, I'm so sorry." Peter takes the glasses off him, "EDITH! Stop, don't kill Brad." He says, "Would you like me to call the strike off Peter?" EDITH asks, "Did you just punch Flash?" Zoha looks at him, "No-" I slam my hand over Peter's mouth, "Commencing drone strike." EDITH says, "Idiot. You should've let me speak!" I look at him, he uses his web shooters and moved the coach harshly to the side, the bullet hit the side view mirror, "EDITH?" He touches his face, I reached over and put the glasses on my face, "Stand by for retinal and biometrical scan. Biometrical scan accepted, hello-" EDITH says, "EDITH I don't have time for this right now! Call off the drone strike!" I whisper yell, "Peter, mind your fanny in that seat right now." Mr Harrington looks at him, "Look at the cute baby mountain goats!" He points to the side, "Baby mountain goats!" Mr Harrington quickly gets sidetracked, everyone else piled to the side of the coach trying to have a look, he jumped up and unhatched the fire exit and plugged the shooters with his webs, causing the drone to overload and explode, "Phew." I fall back in the seat, "I don't see any baby mountain goats?" Mr Del looks at him, "You just missed them," He says, "Don't think none of us haven't noticed Peter." Betty looks at him, "What?" I stand up and put the glasses back on Peter's head, "But your new look, I love it." Betty nods, "Right babe?" She looks at Ned, "O-Oh yeah. Very classy, very European." He nods, Peter falls back into his head and leans on me, "You okay?" I comb through his hair, "Oh my God." He breathes out, "Let's try that again." He breathes out, I laughed and leant down and kissed his cheek. "This is so weird, it was right here on my phone." Brad was flicking through his pictures to try and find the picture he so urgently wanted to show me before, "Yeah... weird." I purse my lips and nod, he goes back to his seat on the bus trying to find the picture, "You used EDITH to get rid of it didn't you." I nudged Peter, he blew his cheeks out, "Y-Yeah." He scratches his forehead, Flash started waking up, I saw him move his jaw up and down and squish his cheek after Peter's superslap. "Oh yeah." I reached into my bag and brought out the box Demetri gave me, "What is it?" Peter leant over, "I dunno, Demetri gave it to me without any heads up." I open the box and there was a case inside, just like Peter's sunglasses case, "Shut up. Do I get one too." I open the box.

Stark Industries

My mouth dropped and I looked at Peter, "Hurry up, hurry up." He was equally as excited, I opened the box and they were almost identical to Peter's, I read the card, "Peter always wanted to be matching, he wouldn't shut up about how he wanted to wear the same glasses as me. So since I'm gone, I guess you need to fill that spot for me." I muttered, I looked at Peter, he pursed his lips, "Yep. He wrote that didn't he. He just had to add that part in." He tapped his thumbs together, I giggled, "P.S. Say EDDI." I cock my head, the lenses glowed blue, "Stand by for retinal and biometrical scan. Biometrical scan accepted, hello Natalie. My name is EDDI, I was Tony's Electronic Defence Dispatching Index protocol." I heard, I grabbed Peter's arm and shook it, "Hey, there EDDI. Um, you can just call me Nat if you want." I shrug, "Would you like me to call you Nat?" He asks, "Um, yeah. Sure." I nod, I look at Peter.

Name: Peter
Age: 16
Height: 1.73m

"Cool." I look around, "Is it like EDITH?" Peter asks, I took them off and gave it to him, "Awesome, now we really are matching." He takes EDITH off and we hold EDDI and EDITH side my side, the lenses glowed green for a moment, "Hello?" I put EDDI back on, "You have activated the simultaneous pairing with my other model EDITH." I hear EDDi say, "Hello, Nat." I heard EDITH's voice, "Do you hear EDDI?" I ask Peter, he nods, the lenses flash back to their normal colour but in the corner, I could see what Peter's seeing, Peter turned around and we saw Brad's profile.

Name: Brad
Age: 16
Height: 1.8m
Access: DENIED

"Look at Flash, look at Flash." I shake his arm, Peter looked at him.

Name: Flash
Age: 16
height: 1.68m
Access: DENIED

I laughed, "Shorty." I snickered, "You are literally 1.67 meters. You're shorter than him." Peter turns around with a grin, "Yeah but, whatever, that's not the point." I shake my head, "Hey Demetri, thanks," I tap his shoulder, he just nods. 

We finally reached Prague, Czech republic. We went into our hotel, we were just at the lobby but it seemed to shine and glimmer, classical music was playing gently in the background, "Wow this place is so classy." Betty looks around as she holds Ned's hand, "Yeah so why are we here?" Zach scoffs, "Speak for yourself. I'm home." Flash holds his hands out, "What can I say, the squeaky wheel gets the upgraded fix." Mr Harrington looks around, "Uh everyone get settled in, rest up, tonight, big surprise, Prague's annual, Carnival of Lights!" Mr Harrington points at the poster hung up, I saw Peter walk off picking up his phone, after he hung up, "Hey, hey." Ned walks over, "Look, I am so sorry if I seem preoccupied with my relationship you know I'm still your guy in the chair." Ned says, I pat his shoulders, "No, no, we're all good. We're still the loser trio I mean." Peter shakes his head, "So what's the status on the elemental things?" Ned asks, "Uh. Here. In the city." Peter fidgets up and down, "Peter, we're here!" I grab his arms, "Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm figuring it out." He rubs my waist, "Peter we're all here, we're relying on you." Ned says, "Ned." Betty calls for him, "Yeah babe." He walks off, "So we all got our own rooms." Mr Harrington gives us the keys, "Hey you two. Sick couple accessories." MJ looks at us, "Oh this. No. It wasn't planned." "Someone just gave it to us as a pair." We both speak over the top of each other, "Hey look at me. I'm Penis Parker with my way too good for me girlfriend." Flash steals Peter's glasses from on top of his head and he wears them, "Give them back Flash!" Peter tries to grab them off his eyes, "Give them back Flash." I kick the back of his knees and he knelt on the floor, "Thank you." I take them off his eyes and pass them back to Peter.

We all went to our rooms and Peter headed out, "You need to go to Fury don't you?" I look at him, "Yeah. Yeah I do. But tonight, the fire elemental's coming, whatever you do, go find some place safe to hide, please." He holds my hands, "Look I'll try but we don't even know where it's going to appear, we just know it's going to be here in Prague." I look at him, he takes a breath out and blows his cheeks, "Yeah, yeah I know." He nods, "I've got to go now okay?" He slowly lets go of my hands, "Stay safe." He brushes my hair out of my face, "That's my line.'" I smile and he swung out of his window.

"Good news, we're going to the Opera." Mr Harrington says, we all met up at the lobby, "What?" "Come on." The Opera?" Everyone complains, we were all showered in glow sticks and glowing accessories, "What happened to the carnival?" MJ asks, "We got upgraded again you guys. They just gave us these tickets! For free! Do you know how much Opera tickets cost!" Mr Harrington waves them in the air, I look at Peter subtly tapping my fingers and nodding, "No! Cause none of us have ever wanted to go to the Opera. Ever." Flash says, "Hey well I think it'd be fun." I shrug, "Hey Nat's got a point." Brad nods, "Yeah, I agree." Flash nods, "You guys were just complaining about it, like a second ago." MJ looks at them, "What. I can change my mind can't I?" Flash shrugs, "Everyone, this is, maybe going to be the best four hours of our trip!" Mr Harrington gets excited, everyone groaned, even me, "Hey guys, come on, it'll be fun." Ned tries to hype us up.

We were waling through the carnival, it looked so fun, "I'm hoping you're happy I got you all back into nice formal wear." Mr Harrington was tightening his tie, "yeah cause we'd rather go to a four hour Opera rather than the biggest party in the world." Flash points behind him, "He's got a point." I whisper to Peter, "Yeah, don't look at me." Mr Del nods.

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