Paper Crown (Edelgard x Byleth)

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"Your Majesty...The Knights of Seiros are approaching the castle."

A breath in through her nostrils, out through her mouth. Edelgard nodded, looking up from her desk that was scattered with papers. Hubert was standing in the doorway, his black attire standing out against her crimson painted walls with golden lining.

"I understand, Hubert. Proceed with our plan."

"Understood," Her dutiful retainer agreed, preparing to leave Edelgard's room. Edelgard held out her hand.

"Halt. Hubert...Thank you for your service, and for staying by my side," Without saying it outright, Hubert knew exactly what Edelgard was trying to say. There was no giving in, even though their odds were low. Giving in was not an option, no, it was not... "Fight well. We will meet again."

"...I know," Hubert bowed. "It is forever my honor, Your Majesty."


Hubert smiled, a strange sight to see on his usual sardonic face. It wasn't a smirk, no smug intent behind it. For once, it was a real smile. Edelgard was glad to know she could see it at least once.


Without another word, Hubert left her room to prepare for battle, the door to her bedroom swinging to a close. Edelgard sighed, grabbing her brush. She ran it through her long white tresses, letting the bristles comb through her knots as she began to ponder their inevitable fate.

The Professor was coming to Embla to end this war.

Regardless of who won the war, the outcome would be tragic. Edelgard or Byleth was going to die, plain and simple...and Edelgard did not intend to go down so easily. No matter what, she had to fight for her future. No one but her could do it...she had no choice but to fight for what was right. She had to remove the Church and their lies, their ways that had caused so much destruction...This was her path, her bloodied path that she had to follow, no matter who she had to cut down...


No. There...There was no time for vulnerability.

Edelgard set down her brush before she began twisting her hair into two braids. Still, she couldn't help but feel sorrow sweep through her. What a shame, it really was. She had never expected Byleth to join her side, but the reality of fighting them was...just so bleak. She could remember their hand on hers, their low toned laugh, the way their cheek dimples whenever they smiled. Perhaps most of all, Edelgard could remember their lips against hers as they shared a kiss before Edelgard had started this whole war...

...There was no use waiting on it now. Edelgard and made her decision, and they had made theirs. She pinned her braids in two buns on the side of her head before standing to place on her regal armor.

Scarlet plates adorned her body, and as she fastened her cape, Edelgard couldn't help but sigh as she looked in the mirror. This was what she would look like when she either died or killed the person she loved most. Turning away from this reality was impossible, it truly was...

What would life had been like if Byleth was by her side? Would...Would Edelgard even have to worry winning the war? Would her victory be absolute?

Well, it didn't matter. Unfortunately, that wasn't what happened. Edelgard had simply built her walls too high for anyone to join her; that was what she knew. She was too distant for Byleth to even consider joining her, despite their presumed closeness. Edelgard knew that. She knew in the end that there was no one who will be a King that will come save their Queen. This was the end; Edelgard was on her own. Edelgard lifted her bejeweled crown to her head, fastening it over her careful buns before she set out.

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